The Democrats talk about leading America into a newer and better direction. What's their plan? What is so bad about the following?
OK, Unemployment is at its lowest level in 25 years.
Home ownership is at a record high.
Home values doubled last year.
401ks are on the rebound.
The Down Jones and other markets are at an all time high.
Jobless claims have been steadily decreasing.
We have had NO terrorist attacks on US soil since 9/11.
Fuel prices have dropped.
Taxes are the lowest in over 20 years.
What's wrong with the direction we are in? And what on earth do those socialist chimps have planned?
Do they wanna turn back the clock to the days of the Carter malaise? The Clinton do-nothing years? What?
They will want record tax hikes. What for?
To pay for their unemployed and stupid voters to keep living off the fat of the land, rather than work.
To line their own pockets.
To set the economy into freefall in a reckless scheme to take power in nothing short of a legalized coup.
To screw the Americans since they've been so screwed during the past 6 years of elections.
To seek vengeance and prove their power. Nothing more.
And if that happens, expect gas prices to go up.
Expect interest rates to skyrocket.
Expect more bankrupcy filings and delinquencies.
Expect more homes to be mortgaged out or rented.
Forget ownership, due to new taxes from the enlightened Democrats.
Dare we ask? Dare we NOT ASK?
The only thing they can bitch about is Iraq.
Iraq, such a failure.
So bad that they've had 2 years with successful presidential and regional elections.
So bad that utilities and amenities have been expanded all over the area.
So bad that, aside from The sunni Triangle/Bagdhad area, that stability is the prodominant order of the day.
So rotten that Kurdistan is the most stable area, and will be recognized by the US soon.
And so bad that Syria and Iran may have to break down and negotiate rather than risk war.
Yeah, we've failed in so much there. NOT!
OK, we've lost about 3000 soldiers, in almost 4 years. 4 Years. We lost close to 4000 during the first 4 HOURS of D-Day. 2300 in 2 hours at Pearl Harbor. And for 2 and 1/2 hours on September 11, we lost 2973 Americans and others. I hate to be callous, but considering how wars usually go, we are getting off light.
Instead of terrorists attacking all over the world, in massive numbers, they are flocking to Iraq to die for their cause. And we're happy to oblige them. Instead of laying waste to the US or Europe, they're dying in record numbers trying to snuff out a fledgling democracy.
I say, stay on course. Don't leave until Iraq is somewhat stable.
If we leave, expect the fall of Saigon and Killing Fields to repeat itself again, this time in Iraq. Also, expect Iran to annex portions of Iraq, making striking distance against Israel and takeover of the ME oil a more likely thing.
Do the Democrats have a viable alternative?
I thought not.
Cut and run and wait for the next attack, and just blame it on Bush. Don't mention the 8 years Clinton had to do something. Carter's impotency in allowing Iran to go fundamentalist. And let's not forget their combined duplicity in cutting off Israel at the knees. Thankfully, the Israelis didn't take to that.
OK, Unemployment is at its lowest level in 25 years.
Home ownership is at a record high.
Home values doubled last year.
401ks are on the rebound.
The Down Jones and other markets are at an all time high.
Jobless claims have been steadily decreasing.
We have had NO terrorist attacks on US soil since 9/11.
Fuel prices have dropped.
Taxes are the lowest in over 20 years.
What's wrong with the direction we are in? And what on earth do those socialist chimps have planned?
Do they wanna turn back the clock to the days of the Carter malaise? The Clinton do-nothing years? What?
They will want record tax hikes. What for?
To pay for their unemployed and stupid voters to keep living off the fat of the land, rather than work.
To line their own pockets.
To set the economy into freefall in a reckless scheme to take power in nothing short of a legalized coup.
To screw the Americans since they've been so screwed during the past 6 years of elections.
To seek vengeance and prove their power. Nothing more.
And if that happens, expect gas prices to go up.
Expect interest rates to skyrocket.
Expect more bankrupcy filings and delinquencies.
Expect more homes to be mortgaged out or rented.
Forget ownership, due to new taxes from the enlightened Democrats.
Dare we ask? Dare we NOT ASK?
The only thing they can bitch about is Iraq.
Iraq, such a failure.
So bad that they've had 2 years with successful presidential and regional elections.
So bad that utilities and amenities have been expanded all over the area.
So bad that, aside from The sunni Triangle/Bagdhad area, that stability is the prodominant order of the day.
So rotten that Kurdistan is the most stable area, and will be recognized by the US soon.
And so bad that Syria and Iran may have to break down and negotiate rather than risk war.
Yeah, we've failed in so much there. NOT!
OK, we've lost about 3000 soldiers, in almost 4 years. 4 Years. We lost close to 4000 during the first 4 HOURS of D-Day. 2300 in 2 hours at Pearl Harbor. And for 2 and 1/2 hours on September 11, we lost 2973 Americans and others. I hate to be callous, but considering how wars usually go, we are getting off light.
Instead of terrorists attacking all over the world, in massive numbers, they are flocking to Iraq to die for their cause. And we're happy to oblige them. Instead of laying waste to the US or Europe, they're dying in record numbers trying to snuff out a fledgling democracy.
I say, stay on course. Don't leave until Iraq is somewhat stable.
If we leave, expect the fall of Saigon and Killing Fields to repeat itself again, this time in Iraq. Also, expect Iran to annex portions of Iraq, making striking distance against Israel and takeover of the ME oil a more likely thing.
Do the Democrats have a viable alternative?
I thought not.
Cut and run and wait for the next attack, and just blame it on Bush. Don't mention the 8 years Clinton had to do something. Carter's impotency in allowing Iran to go fundamentalist. And let's not forget their combined duplicity in cutting off Israel at the knees. Thankfully, the Israelis didn't take to that.
At 5:42 PM,
NDwalters said…
Ah, typical talking points. And moonshine is full of it beyond belief.
At 8:39 PM,
Dionne said…
Well said and my sentiments exactly!! This is how I've been thinking all day.
At 10:41 PM,
Marshal Art said…
The question isn't whether the points themselves are wrong, but whether Bush has a hand in it. But let's see....
% of Americans employed is down, while unemployment is also down. Hmmm. Perhaps we're seeing the effect of more business start ups and a growing number of retirees. If your stat is only for those of working age, it has to be business start ups or it's just plain wrong.
Home values go up and down like other investments due to a variety of reasons. There was a recent boon that most likely has played itself out and now we're in a different phase. It will reverse by supply and demand alone. This same dynamic is true for gas prices, or did Bush force China and India to start demanding more petrol? But the price has indeed fallen recently. So if he has an effect on prices rising, he must also have an effect on prices falling. Give him props.
The debt is soaring? So is the economy and the deficit has been halved in half the time promised. We're doing better economically without a doubt. And that with 9/11, a WOT, Katrina. Not bad, George.
We lost in Iraq? You're just a very, very stupid man if not a total fuckin' idiot. If we're there fighting, how could we have lost it yet? Defeatist loser.
Taliban governs 5 provinces? Doubtful or it would be spashed all over the place by the MSM and Dem hacks. No one's talking about this. The enemy fighting back isn't surprising, nor is the stupid interpretation of such by knuckleheads like buffooney.
State of the Union...not great, but not so bad. There's always room for improvement and the room YOU have cartooney is vast.
At 9:03 PM,
Marshal Art said…
Don't read the Post. There are tons of news sources these days. No time to review them all. Doesn't refute my statement because one newspaper has a story. Where'd it come from, AP? I'm also not surprised that you favor the speech of the enemy and take it as gospel. What they say and what is is not necessarily the same. That being said, assuming it's all true, it doesn't mean they will succeed in their goals. I know you'd like them to since the only thing you care about is bashing Bush. Here's a plan: grow a beard, wrap a towel around your pointy head and join those in whom you have more faith. You're perfect for them.
At 9:08 PM,
Marshal Art said…
Depends on who's scoring. The left highlights only the negative about Bush and his policies while totally ignoring the positives. Thus, a loss seems appropriate. Yet, ignoring what is reality does not make it go away, unless you are a very, very stupid man like gooney. One also has to keep in mind that a pitcher gets a loss if his team refuses to give it's all. This is certainly the case with a segment of Congress that has always been obstructive.
At 11:03 PM,
Marshal Art said…
Bashing for bashing's sake? I don't think so. And that's exactly what we see and have seen since the guy threw his hat in the ring. It isn't constructive bashing, it's been obstructive bashing and there's a huge difference. The left will trip a runner and then bash him for losing the race. This analogy is a perfect description of what's been going on throughout Bush's term. And the current state of things is that Bush only gets blame for things gone wrong, but never kudos for things that work out. I've listed some in my response to mooney the idiot. I've never heard of anyone on the left giving him credit for those or any other points.
And for the very, very stupid one I like to call buffooney,
I didn't see anything like that in the Chicago Sun-Times or Daily Herald. I read at least one of those every day. But go back and see if all those stories are from the same source like Reuters or AP. If so, count it as one source. If it's Reuters, question it as they have been exposed as less than reliable. But nonetheless, I doubt the Taliban is capable of holding any territory forever. You don't think so because you're an America hater and a Bush hater and you relish anything that casts aspersions on either. It's also telling that of all the crap from you first post, you only support one. For a dweeb who claims he's married to a member of the military, your attitude toward the military is crap.
At 9:59 AM,
Marshal Art said…
The solution is not soley a military one, but the military is needed and that has been expressed by many including the Iraqis themselves, as well as former and current military commanders in theater. So the need exists absolutely whether defeatists like mooney want to believe it or not.
At 4:10 PM,
Marshal Art said…
What's wrong with the line, Kevin? It's not a strategy or tactic in and of itself, but an attitude that reflects a resolve that should be within each of us to deal with the evil perpetrated by our enemies. It says that we musn't "get all wobbly" to parahrase Thatcher, and assume the task is too great or not without risk and then quit the cause because of it. As a slogan, its no worse than "remember the Maine" or "remember the Alamo". I greatly prefer it to the defeatist and cowardly slogans spewed in Washington over the weekend.
At 8:39 PM,
Marshal Art said…
I'm shocked. It's necessary to spell things out and use small words for gooney, but you...? I'm shocked, I tell ya, shocked.
But let me deal first with the village idiot.
Of what possible relevance was your last post? It doesn't matter in the least what the details regarding the Maine incident were. The point surrounded the use of slogans. To this day you've presented no evidence that you are anything other than a very, very stupid man. And it's really getting tiresome. You can't imagine how saddened I am for your lack of effort and laziness in gaining understanding. Get help.
I don't think "stay the course" refers to specific tactics and strategies. That Bush has relented and suggested such by replacing Rummie and sending the new top dog in Iraq. The "course" is staying in Iraq until the objectives are met. Objectives, by the way, that the current commander, Petraeus(sp)believes is indeed possible. And "staying the course" is a direct rebuttal to the defeatists in Congress who insist on pulling out, like mooney's father should have. The "course" is taking the fight to the enemy instead of letting the enemy dictate to us. It's the mindset and attitude, as I've said earlier, that should reside in all of us because the cause is right and just.
At 7:15 PM,
Marshal Art said…
There is the belief that a free people of a democratic nation is far less likely to engage in terrorist activity. Does that mean that it won't happen? Of course not. But every nation that adopts our form of government will also be providing more opportunities for more people and eventually, fewer people with the desire to blow themselves and others up. Every democratic nation enjoying the economic benefits of being so will be less likely to support terrorist groups, as it would not enhance their situation, as it might appear to now. On the contrary, it would behoove them to put a stop to activities that would interfere with their processes. This is the goal, and it isn't an overnight gig, but it is one that is noble and just, since it affords more people more hope and opportunity that does any radical Islamic theocracy. The fact that it is a difficult task that doesn't lend itself to immediate results does not diminish it's importance and necessity. Thus, we must 'stay the course'. Feel free to come up with a more exciting and compelling slogan, but stay the course we must.
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