Not So Young But Angry Conservatives Unite

Getting sick of the progressively worse slant and obvious bias of the media? Got booted out of other sites for offending too many liberals? Make this your home. If you SPAM here, you're gone. Trolling? Gone. Insult other posters I agree with. Gone. Get the pic. Private sanctum, private rules. No Fairness Doctrine and PC wussiness tolerated here..... ECCLESIASTES 10:2- The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of a fool to the left.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Bush Visits Europe, Will It Make a Difference in Relations?

This week, President George W Bush will be visiting Europe. This is officially part of a 5 day good will tour of Europe. Bush will arrive in Brussels, go to Germany, and then Slovakia. Not a Grand Tour, but Bush will be meeting with Presidents Chirac and Putin, and Chancellor Schroeder of Germany. All 3 were ardent foes on the war in Iraq, but are now favoring the post war actions of elections and what not.

Now, does anyone else think this may do no good.

I do, and here's why.

First, The French are still hampering any efforts of ours to apprehend and stop terrorists, since we still have the death penalty. The French say it's too cruel and inhuman. This is rich, coming from the land of The Bastille and Guillotine. Bravo, clap, clap... Also, Chirac is less strident in handling Iran or Syria. He will stick to do nothing and only fight when attacked. That worked so well in World War II, didn't it Jacques? How long were you occupied again? Chirac is also less willing to support Israel, which we do. Bush and Chirac may have dinner, but it may be little more than a photo op. Bush may be willing, but Chirac seems not.

Second, Russia is openly giving weapons and nuclear technology to Iran and Syria. Russia, not necessarily our enemy, some say, is hocking off its nuclear stockpile. Bankrupt Russia needs to pawn off items to stay afloat, but ironically no creditors or collections are calling for them. Putin has also been cagey on the war on terror. He can be depended on to kill Chechens or Al Qaeda, but not state sponsored dictators with open check books. Also, Putin is still steamed that we endorsed Viktor Yuschencko as the newly elected President of Ukraine. Putin preferred his pro-Moscor head who was defeated in an election and in the recount.

Third, protestors. There are a few hundred, sure, but they will put a damper on the Bush visit. They did it in London, again in Ottawa, and now in Brussles, and definitely in Germany. The press will focus on them, and not what will be accomplished. Gotta love the press, right?

Crickets chirping.

Let us hope I am wrong on this and something gets accomplished. Well, definitely more than when he was jeered in England, mainly London, which is more pro-US than most of Europe.


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