Not So Young But Angry Conservatives Unite

Getting sick of the progressively worse slant and obvious bias of the media? Got booted out of other sites for offending too many liberals? Make this your home. If you SPAM here, you're gone. Trolling? Gone. Insult other posters I agree with. Gone. Get the pic. Private sanctum, private rules. No Fairness Doctrine and PC wussiness tolerated here..... ECCLESIASTES 10:2- The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of a fool to the left.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

Recently, Radio Talk Host Michael Savage, came out with a new book. It's entitled Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder. This is the follow up to his first two best-sellers, The Savage Nation and The Enemy Within. Savage is a pretty right of right radio host and commentator. Savage coined many good phrases and an intensity against liberalism that can only be answered with this.


Thanks for the following words, I like to use.

Hitler in a Headscarf- how else is best to describe the murdering animals that saw off the head of men and women hostages and drink their blood? How else would you phrase a murdering group that shot, bayonetted, and blasted to bits Russian school children on live TV.

Islamofascist- Good way to describe men masking as The Religion of Peace but run dictatorial regimes modeled after Hitler and the old autocratic caliphs of the Ottoman Turk Empire. Saddam Hussein and the Taliban are two Islamofascist regimes that have been crushed. The next fascists to deal with are Syria's Bashir Assad- successor to Alaz Al Assad Sr- brutal mass murderer and occupier of Lebanon, provoked part of Yom Kippur War. Iran's Ayatollah's and Terrorist Backing Regime- Ayatollah Khatami is pursuing nukes to kick the Allies out of the Middle East and conquer the moderate lands. Divide and Conquer, like Adolf Hitler did. Al Qaeda- they are still a menace and their murdering Einsatzgruppen slaughtered thousands on September 11, and hundreds more since then and before. they are a cancer that must be destroyed. Hamas, Abu Sayaf, Islamic Jihad- all terrorists, especially the scum in Iraq, are Islamofascists hijacking their people and taking them to war and hell.

Checkered-Pants Republican- A person who says they are a conservative and Republican, but their policies do not match. At times Bush can be checkered pants, most of the time, he is a conservative. The checkered pants types are those lacking back bone to stand up to the liberals and try and negotiate with them. They get many conservatives into a fit.

Red Diaper Doper Babies- spoiled brat leftists here. Red communists who hate America, prefer Europe over the US and looooove everywhere but here. Diaper- their babies who demand their diapers be changed, their asses wiped, and we do it for them. Forget our needs, we must serve them, so they say. Doper- one they are dopey, going against most logical arguments. Supporting terrorists over our troops, backing the mullahs over Israeli bombing victims, and of course godless abortion over protection of new life and marriage. Babies- mature like children, whining crying and when left alone, destructive. Red Diaper Doper Babies, very fitting Dr. Savage.

Demoncats- Democrat play on words. Demons hell bent on their taking power or destroy everything that they cannot have. Cats- they hiss they scratch, they're the ultimate you scratch my back, I'll think of scratching yours types. These overlap into RDDB, HIHS, and IFs.- Red Diaper Doper Babies, Hitler in Headscarves, and Islamofascists.

Loy-yers- pronunciation of Lawyer to denote the NYU and Columbia types whose noses are at a constant 45 degree upturned snob slant. They think law degree equals or is better than God. They trade their morals for a $5000 suit, their kids for a Jaguar, and and their souls for a large contingency fee for suing the US Army, Christians, or anyone not a flaming liberal.

Thanks Dr. Savage for these terms. I hope you don't mind when I use them.

For those of us angry and right of center, keep being a voice for us.


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