Not So Young But Angry Conservatives Unite

Getting sick of the progressively worse slant and obvious bias of the media? Got booted out of other sites for offending too many liberals? Make this your home. If you SPAM here, you're gone. Trolling? Gone. Insult other posters I agree with. Gone. Get the pic. Private sanctum, private rules. No Fairness Doctrine and PC wussiness tolerated here..... ECCLESIASTES 10:2- The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of a fool to the left.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Iraqis Start Cleaning House, Starting with Bomber

Crowd of Iraqis killed a suspected terrorist bomber today. I guess Iraq is willing to take more than voting and rebuilding into their own hands.,10117,12276453-23109,00.html Good for you Iraq. Keep it up.


  • At 12:28 PM, Blogger NDwalters said…

    Isn't Ted more of a, "Hey (burp) I'm Ted Kennedy dammit.... Do you know who I a.... (blech! wretches) who I am?!? (BURP)."

  • At 2:46 PM, Blogger NDwalters said…

    Don't hold your breathe, but there's a lot of stuff the liberal media will not cover, that hops through Drudge, blogs, and e-mails from troops.
    The truth will keep coming out.


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