Not So Young But Angry Conservatives Unite

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Thursday, October 21, 2004

Parallels between Baseball and Election 2004

OK. I am a bit of a sports nut, but only a warped political mind like mine can draw a parallel between the 2004 Election and the running for the 2004 World Series and Major League Baseball Playoffs. Here are some thoughts:

First the Geographic Parallels, Houston or St Louis versus Boston is a good parallel to draw between Bush and Kerry. Kind of odd, maybe not. First, there's the two men. President George W Bush, though born up North, is a Texan by heart and by the time he's spent in Texas. John Kerry from Boston, Up North and well travelled.

The Astros, of course, are from Texas- Houston, good ole H Town. The Red Socks- Sox, whatever, are Boston's team and from way up North. The election sure feels North versus South, some of you may be loosening your collars fearing North and South 1861, but don't worry. Now Houston has slowly established its record despite falls, like Bush had in business, as Texas Governor and his first term in office. Kerry is from a loooong line, like the Socks and is now in a recently elevated state.

Second, there's how both are rated. Bush is the underdog by default and highly ignored by the press, except when he screws up. Kerry is lauded by all and cheered on, by most of the press. the Astros have gotten little national coverage, except when they pull of some supposed miracle in sports. Isn't some of sports just beyond most of our own logic, though? Boston, lauded and raved about. Minus the last game, it was close. Bush is rated as less than Kerry. Although, like the Astros, even the Cardinals, this Midwesterner can come from behind. However, Kerry and his Socks mirror image are hard players and will take it to the wire....

Third, the games. The first few games favored the other guys- Boston then NY, then Boston won out in the end. Tonight, is uncertain for Houston. First, St Louis won the first few, then Houston had a 3-2 lead until last night. However, changing the bull pen and other factors gave St Louis a win and 3-3 tie in this series. It will be close.

In the election, let's look at the polls and how it went. In July and Early August Kerry enjoyed a comfortable lead in some polls in his post DNC Convention bounce. Then, the swiftboat vets came in with their ads and the book Unfit For Command. These were curveballs Kerry could have seen, but did not. Second, Bush got his convention bounce and tax cuts and some market ups. Now Bush had his sweet spot from August 31, to about early October, then a bounce which is on, after the debates and other factors. Bush could have seen some Market and Iraq worries, but those balls went by also.

The way it can be seen, this game is tied and the decisive will have to win this race. It will be a close win, but one that complements the victor but shows the ability and agility of the opponent also.

BUT, in the case of the election. Winner will take all, and second place will be forgotten, ask Presidents George H Bush, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter.... In this election, the winner will set the pace and direction for the next seasons and how this game must be conducted. It can go the right way or the wrong way. That outcome boils down to one vital moment.

Go Astros! Go Bush!

REVISION 10/22/04: Go Cards! Go Bush!

Revision as of 10/27/04- Go whomever, and Bush better win!


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