Not So Young But Angry Conservatives Unite

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Friday, October 08, 2004

Pointers from Cheney v Edwards, Listen Up Mr. President!!!

On Tuesday 10/05/04. Vice President Dick Cheney went toe to toe with Senator John Edwards. The two sparred over Iraq, The economy, the war on terror and of course Halliburton. Cheney's main mistakes were two inaccuracies. The first was saying that he'd never met Edwards until that debate. He ought to have elaborated or said he was kidding, but did refer to Edwards as Senator Gone Edwards, due to John's lack of Senate voting and attendance. Zell Miller later videotaped a statement and had part of a speech delivered by Peggy Noonan, quipping that he will not play hookey on his duties. Cheney also mentioned, and meant Aside from that Cheney held his own and even went on the offensive. Some polls would have you believe Cheney lost and Edwards won. Many said it was close to even, BUT Cheney edged past Edwards on his delivery and substance. In short, Cheney took a swipe for his recovering boss. We can hope that Round 2 of the Presidential Debates will go favorably for Bush.

Here is what Bush needs to do tonight:

1. Get some rest beforehand. HE was about to conk out last time and it showed. No excuses, rest and focus, George!

2. Pray to God- If God is on your side, then who is against you. And in such a tight race, all the help you can get will be handy.

3. Do not stammer- Enough with the ugh's, you see's, and wells. No, take some pointers from Cheney. Follow whatever prompter you may have. Remember, it needs to come out naturally.

4. Do not look angry or agitated- We all know Kerry's position is stuffed with more crap than a Christmas goose, but don't roll your eyes or sigh. That's what lost Al Gore the Presidency. Don't lose it, you are to cool and calm.

5. Do take charge, get aggressive- this may seem to contradict the 4th point, but you can go on the offensive without being half the jerk others are. You can hold Kerry to his Senate Record, the success of tax cuts, the continuing need of your vision on education, and without Homeland Security, no one can focus on other issues.

6. Hold your ground- never give an inch, or show wounds, as this shark can smell blood from miles away.

7. Focus on your plusses- Remember we have regained 1.5 M jobs since 9/11/01. Many we lost may never come back, due to that attack. We are regaining jobs, though slowly. Show that America is bouncing back and refute the Herbert Hoover allegations. "Hoover and FDR never had this type of recovery."

8. Congratulate the American people for their work. BEtween then US investing tax refunds and the economy rebounding, it is almost all due to them. Kerry would be suicidal to say well the economy sucks because you aren't carrying your weight. Remember 4 tax cuts in 4 years, more jobs in recovery, which tapers off in the fall anyway; interest rates are creeping back up, record home ownership among all people, especially minorities, and of course New York and their great recovery from such a vicious terrorist inflicted wound.

9. EDUCATION- we got halted due to a terrorist attack, focus on what is going well, but show that you need another term to complete this work or set it fully in motion. Make the case for vouchers and choice in school. If a parent wants their $$ to go to a private parochial school, then that's their $$ and vouchers and their choice.

10. Stem Cell Research- It's not a cure, look in many medical journals. It is a research method, not the full proof method. Focus that this is not banning research, rather cutting certain funding, to possible medical and ethical problems in the future. America is a technological and highly synthetic society. Show that we can artificially find a cure, without sacrificing the next generation of the unborn. Show that Ronald Reagan was even against it.

11. Marriage- show that you do not hate gays or lesbians, but do not condone changing the rules for a small percentage of the population. Stick to your guns and Christian values on this one. You won't go down for not standing up for Christ.

12. Medicare- It's a supplement for healthcare besides your savings and pensions. Show what will be done to rework that. Mention the prescription drug plan, but focus less on socialized medicine that Kerry wants (tax hike for you all), but let Americans choose their coverage and pay on their own.

Those are just a few points. Good luck Mr. President. You should do better tonight than last week. Good luck and God Bless.


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