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Friday, October 01, 2004

DEBATE 1: Round 1, Bush's Missed Opportunities

Last night President George Walker Bush entered into the arena of debate. It was far from gladiator or Spartacus, but some questions did get heated. Bush came across plainly, not too eloquent (but is most of America eloquent like Kerry?) Bush did re-emphasize the importance of Iraq and Afghanistan. He did emphasize staying the course, but no thousand points of light or no new taxes. He did not make errors Bush 41 did. George W Bush came across well in the content arena in hammering home that The War on Terror and rebuilding Iraq will take time. Bush did point out glaring inconsistencies in Kerry's stances. Also a morale crushing affect on our servicemen and women to say "you're fighting in the wrong war for the wrong reasons." Bush did not get too upset or blow up on stage. He seemed rather homey and John Q. Bush was able to keep firm in his positions.

However, he missed the opportunity to capitalize on some issues and statements Kerry made. Maybe Bush was being classy or maybe (more likely) he got advice by Karl Rove and other Cub Scouts to play nice. To not get too indepth. Here's where Bush could have gone, but did not last night.

1. Kerry's voting record- All last night Bush's record was belittled and scrutinized. Bush could have mentioned while Kerry claimed to be pro-troops, that Kerry voted against the $87 Billion that included Kevlar and armor for Humvees (actually to his credit, Bush did touch on that, though could have been more in depth). Bush lightly hit on Kerry's Senate Record but could have summarized the litany of items Kerry voted against, that Senator Zell Miller did at the GOP Convention. Kerry voted against the B-1 and B-2 Bombers, F-117 Stealth Fighter, F-22 Fighter, M-1 Tank, M-2 Bradley Fighting Vehicles, M-16 upgrades and variants, Patriot Missiles, SDI- Star Wars Missile System in 1980s, Missile Defense in 2000, Bunker Busters, Apache Helicopters, Carriers, Submarines, and even basic defense salary increases for troops. Bush could have gone there, should have gone there, but did not. Kerry's record was wide open, flapping in the wind, and seemed so inviting of good rabbit punch or drop kick. That did not happen, but hopefully Bush will bring it up on the trail, again.

2. United Nations- The Oil For Food Program is one of the largest frauds and scandals in human history. It was a debacle in which billions of dollars meant for humanitarian aid were laundered in from oil revenue to buy arms. Some say Bush Sr. had his hands in this, but the main parties seem to be the vetoeing countries. France, Germany, Russia, and China. All sold weaponry and technology to Iraq, and all had billions to make off of helping harvest Iraq's oil supply which was stagnant since Desert Storm. Odd that George Bush did not chide the UN being our main crutch or permission slip granter, when they weren't honest to the Iraqi people.

3. International Test- could have taken the Zell Miller route or his own State of the Union earlier this year. We don't need a permission slip to defend our land and allies from the threat of terrorism or their allied states. Bush should have gone into the ludicrous nature of asking Paris or Berlin to fight back, after our cities have been levelled and thousands killed. Bush should have stressed the past 12 years of resolutions (to his credit he did some of this), but could have done more. Good work Karl Rove, or whatever strategist told Bush that one.

NOW, Here's what Bush did touch on, very well.

1. Iraq- the importance of this state to succeed is about as important as the reconstruction of Germany after WWII and Japan after that war also. If Freedom works here, then it may work elsewhere. Bush stressed that our troops want home and will get home. However, it does not make sense to pull troops out early and then send them back after unfinished business- thus this war to finish Gulf War 1991.

2. Homeland Security- The creation of the Department of Homeland Security is fine. Our Firefighters and Police funds were good to cite. Should stress much of this is state and local responsibility also. No terrorist attacks inside the US since 2001. Stress that we are safe and more still can be done under this administration. I sure hope Rudy Guiliani wrote some of this and not the trained monkeys that did some of the other speakings.

3. Afghanistan- liberated people from a decade of a theocracy. Women are ready to vote. Despite Osama not being found, he will be caught. Pakistan is helping in this. Afghanistan has an able leader and elections will be held, very soon. Although, Bush could have stressed that Afghan troops were used as they would be seen more as the liberators and us less likely occupiers, but helpful friends.

4. Terrorism- London police busting cells, Khalid Sheikh Muhammad caught, most of Al Qaeda caught or killed, many attacks foiled. Philippines helpful against Abu Sayaf extremists. Ongoing operations in a very long and very different war.

Bush missed some opportunities and should be able to catch other opportunities in other areas. Note to Bush, fire some of your writers and handlers. Americans like laid back, but are waiting to see fired up, firm, and ready to go.


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