Here's a Liberal Troll who hates ALL REPUBLICANS.
Here's what a troll who is consumed with hate writes......
Some of the best......
Just because it's on a lefty website doesn't mean it's not true. Those cock sucking Republicans didn't serve, period.
And as far as your grandfather, big f__king deal, my brother was a republican and died in Nam so f**k you and your f__king wuss grandfather.
Republicans are cowards, your a Republican and your a f__king coward.
Posted by: The Ranando Report at October 12, 2005 05:08 PM
Now beforehand, I had gotten into a heated argument. Said some very questionable stuff. He more or less insinuated all GOP were cowards. All of them, ooooh, what generalizing. Needless to say the argument went downhill, of course, this fine fellow took it to a new low.
I need not cite my stuff, if you wanna read it, go ahead. This all started over The Smurfs.
This guy really honors the memory of his slain brother, voting for a so-called vet like Kerry who backstabbed his efforts. Bravo, Rant, bravo! And could he say F-ck enough times? Once lectured me as a bad Christian. Well, there goes your credibility.
Ran, I think my gramps who has a bad back, and poor sight, could still take you out. Wuss grandfather? Yeah, such a wuss he was in Patton's Third Army. Such a wuss, he had at least 30 Nazis KIA before he turned 19..... Yeah, what a wuss..... NOT!
Republicans are cowards? Yeah, that's why DEMOCRATS ran to Canada and hid out. That's why DEMOCRATS like Kerry and Fonda tore our POWs and troops a new one.....
Right, love his "logic."
Oh here's another intellectual of the left...... class, meet Chickenhawk.....
That "cherry-picked" list of Republican chickenhawk cowards was pretty thorough, as the "cherry tree" from which that bucket of "cherrys" was picked from is almost bare after the "harvest" by Ranando.
No way to get around it, Republicans are mostly war freak blowhards and slimy cowards and deserters and traitors, and Democrats are the true patriots and war heroes. Notice the only Republican war heroes are the moderates, like McCain and Hagel.
Posted by: ChickenHawk at October 12, 2005 02:51 PM
Oh, Chickensh-t, oh dear dear Chickensh-t, let's educate ourselves shall we......
Bob Dole got injured in Italy, fighting on the Mareth Line in 1944-45. Got a Purple Heart and other medals.
George H Bush was shot down by a Jap Zero and went back up and shot down more of them.
Ronald W Reagan, did his service drumming up war bonds, and other activities.....
Glenn Ford, an actor, was a Marine and served with distinction in Europe and the Pacific. He also volunteered for Korea, and Vietnam....
William Holden, was a naval officer in the Pacific.
All of them were cowards? Certainly not. Twit.
Here's the link for the info they got. Notice it is a DNC controlled radical cite.
To quote one man, w-well, just because it's a lefty site, doesn't mean it's not true. Nope, it's not true, it's more fabricated than Dan Rather's Kinko's Memos.....
There's your liberals ladies and gentlemen. Live and learn, they are vicious.
Some of the best......
Just because it's on a lefty website doesn't mean it's not true. Those cock sucking Republicans didn't serve, period.
And as far as your grandfather, big f__king deal, my brother was a republican and died in Nam so f**k you and your f__king wuss grandfather.
Republicans are cowards, your a Republican and your a f__king coward.
Posted by: The Ranando Report at October 12, 2005 05:08 PM
Now beforehand, I had gotten into a heated argument. Said some very questionable stuff. He more or less insinuated all GOP were cowards. All of them, ooooh, what generalizing. Needless to say the argument went downhill, of course, this fine fellow took it to a new low.
I need not cite my stuff, if you wanna read it, go ahead. This all started over The Smurfs.
This guy really honors the memory of his slain brother, voting for a so-called vet like Kerry who backstabbed his efforts. Bravo, Rant, bravo! And could he say F-ck enough times? Once lectured me as a bad Christian. Well, there goes your credibility.
Ran, I think my gramps who has a bad back, and poor sight, could still take you out. Wuss grandfather? Yeah, such a wuss he was in Patton's Third Army. Such a wuss, he had at least 30 Nazis KIA before he turned 19..... Yeah, what a wuss..... NOT!
Republicans are cowards? Yeah, that's why DEMOCRATS ran to Canada and hid out. That's why DEMOCRATS like Kerry and Fonda tore our POWs and troops a new one.....
Right, love his "logic."
Oh here's another intellectual of the left...... class, meet Chickenhawk.....
That "cherry-picked" list of Republican chickenhawk cowards was pretty thorough, as the "cherry tree" from which that bucket of "cherrys" was picked from is almost bare after the "harvest" by Ranando.
No way to get around it, Republicans are mostly war freak blowhards and slimy cowards and deserters and traitors, and Democrats are the true patriots and war heroes. Notice the only Republican war heroes are the moderates, like McCain and Hagel.
Posted by: ChickenHawk at October 12, 2005 02:51 PM
Oh, Chickensh-t, oh dear dear Chickensh-t, let's educate ourselves shall we......
Bob Dole got injured in Italy, fighting on the Mareth Line in 1944-45. Got a Purple Heart and other medals.
George H Bush was shot down by a Jap Zero and went back up and shot down more of them.
Ronald W Reagan, did his service drumming up war bonds, and other activities.....
Glenn Ford, an actor, was a Marine and served with distinction in Europe and the Pacific. He also volunteered for Korea, and Vietnam....
William Holden, was a naval officer in the Pacific.
All of them were cowards? Certainly not. Twit.
Here's the link for the info they got. Notice it is a DNC controlled radical cite.
To quote one man, w-well, just because it's a lefty site, doesn't mean it's not true. Nope, it's not true, it's more fabricated than Dan Rather's Kinko's Memos.....
There's your liberals ladies and gentlemen. Live and learn, they are vicious.
At 3:23 PM,
Ranando said…
Dear folks,
As always Nick or TP78 is only telling one side. The following are post written by Nick and/or TP78 before I ever said a cuss word.
You can find the truth at:
Hey Ranando, you pompous s**te... here's the site I found where you got your info.....
Not so Impartial, since it's leftie crap....
Posted by: TexanPatriot78 at October 12, 2005 03:52 PM
Hey Ranando, my grandfather was a Republican, he served in WWII and almost died in Europe. So go F-ck Yourself you pompous bag of f-ckin s**t! You and your friend kevin can go suck off on eachother. How f-ckin dare you! Roast in heck, you faggot!
Posted by: TexanPatriot78 at October 12, 2005 03:54 PM
Let the truth be known.......
At 3:26 PM,
Ranando said…
One more thing, thanks for the plug, I love it.
At 3:37 PM,
Ranando said…
The title on this post is wrong it should have read:
"Here's a American troll who hates Bush."
At 3:53 PM,
Ranando said…
Another website to see who served and who didn't:
At 4:07 PM,
NDwalters said…
Awww clown boy took the bait. And he has a history of lying his tail off. Yes, those are my words, but why did Ran pursue the matter worse?
At 4:19 PM,
Ranando said…
Because you made it seem like something that it wasn't, in other words you lied.
I wanted to show what a farse you really are, you misrepresented the facts.
You tried to make it sound like I went off on you, not true, you lied.
I think it's importanat to see someones character and yours is not that good.
Remember character counts, unless your part of Nicks inner circle.
At 4:42 PM,
NDwalters said…
Oh my character is not good, read your own words, slanderer of grandparents. You're not fooling anyone. You're not fooling anyone.
Don't preach at me, cause I ain't listening.....
At 4:47 PM,
NDwalters said…
By the way, I revised the post, are we happy now?
At 6:57 PM,
Ranando said…
Prove it that I have ever lied to you or anyone.
At 7:56 AM,
NDwalters said…
Senior Slash and Burn continues his rant. Sadly, we have created a Frankenstein....
steve you psuedo-intellectual feker,
Who supports war? Got any names? Before you answer, nuance-boy, would that be support of war, or support of the cause that makes war neccessary? Have any idea how many Christians are in the military putting their lives at risk to end the horror provided by the Islamosfascists? That's not too nuanced for ya, is it?
Hey fungoolney,
How has "our boy" bungled the war? Would that be the war that has resulted in a Constitution that the Sunnis are now behind? That war? The one where people were liberated from the reign of a ruthless despot? You mean the bungled war where after how many years now? we've only lost less than two thousand great Americans? As tragic as it is to lose a single one, I wouldn't say such a low number of deaths constitutes a bungled war. That would be very, very stupid.
I did not serve and am unapologetic and not about to explain to the likes of you my reasons. Whether or not one serves is irrelevant to whether or not one believes in the cause and supports it. You can believe the war is being fought for oil or some such crap if your addled mind so chooses. You have that right as stupid as it is. In fact, the desire to keep oil flowing unobstructed by some Islamic lunatic may indeed be a factor. But libs like you who can't fathom the benefits of defeating this enemy have a void in their hearts and minds that no facts will ever heal. Libs like you believe not taking up this sword would keep us free from attack and nothing could be more naive. Shame on you.
Posted by: Marshall Art at October 13, 2005 02:28 AM
Marshall Art,
Whether or not one serves is irrelevant-
Bulls**t, until you've been shot at you don't have a right to even discuss this war in Iraq.
When your talking about sending our kids off to die it's very irrelevant.
Your a chickens**t - nothing more, nothing less.
Posted by: The Ranando Report at October 13, 2005 05:20 AM
Your statement: “until you've been shot at you don't have a right to even discuss this war in Iraq” is wrong on so many levels, I’m not even going to take the time to list them all.
Here is one thought – you don’t necessarily have the right to discuss the war if you HAVE been shot at. Case & point – RedundantO was shot at, and hit – in the head, losing much of his frontal lobe and part of his temporal lobe. He is now incapable of cognizant thought processes.
I need to correct myself, you do have the right to discuss – you don’t have the right to be taken seriously when you have to wear a bib and eat with a wooden spoon.
Posted by: blamin at October 13, 2005 09:01 AM
I have a simple suggestion for all the blowhard warfreaks: Sign up right now with the military and volunteer to go over to Iraq. That would at least give you some credibility. Better yet, Bush should bring out the draft, and draft all military age Republicans who voted for him. That would be the fair thing to do.
Posted by: ChickenHawk at October 13, 2005 09:39 AM
HEY Flamin the Right-Wing Girly-Man who won't go to Iraq but wants your kids to go:
I need to correct myself, you do have the right to discuss – you don’t have the right to be taken seriously when you have to wear a bib and eat with a wooden spoon.
(Are you making fun of our kids that have been wounded in Iraq?)
Posted by: The Ranando Report at October 13, 2005 10:28 AM
Rant o is ranting on yet again. I think we made it mad. Calling folks cowards isn't doing you a bit of good. Why didn't you serve? Did you spit on your dead bro's uniform? Hmmmmm? Mr. Vicious pacifist.... Come one Rant, you're the Chickensh-t not us. See, we'd serve when called. We'd serve if we could pa** muster. You, on the other hand, are a backstabbing traitor.
Hey Chickensh-t, sorry Chickenhawk, why don't YOU go serve and you do your bit? Or you too can have a nice cup of STFU.....
Posted by: TexanPatriot78 at October 13, 2005 10:45 AM
Yes, I got mad, but see how Rant acts all innocent one second, then evil the other. Jekyll and Hyde look stable compared to this fine liberal....
Read and enjoy.
At 8:10 AM,
Ranando said…
RIP: Nicholas Walters
No he's not dead, just his credibility.
At 1:17 PM,
Ranando said…
2nd Request.......
Prove it that I have ever lied to you or anyone.
At 2:43 PM,
NDwalters said…
My credibility is still alive and kicking. Yours, Mr. no sources, is stuck in a sewer pipe somewhere.
Someone get vindictive. Someone's making this personal.
And it ain't me.....
At 3:24 PM,
Ranando said…
You said things about me that aren't true, that's personal.
You just did it agian, no sources.
I'll ask you again, when did I ever lie to you?
At 4:05 PM,
NDwalters said…
You lied when you said All Republicans were cowards. You lied when you said anyone who didn't serve has no right to speak. You are a fascist, so deal with it.
I know fascist is one of your favorite words, so I intend on stealing liberal speak and using it on you for a change.
Also, you got more personal personal calling my grandfather a pussy, you disrespectful hemorrhoid......
You called Blamin, Marshall Art, and others cowards. Where are your facts?
At 4:12 PM,
Ranando said…
Here are my facts on calling you all cowards:
Chickenhawk n. A person enthusiastic about war, provided someone else fights it; particularly when that enthusiasm is undimmed by personal experience with war; most emphatically when that lack of experience came in spite of ample opportunity in that person’s youth.
I stand corrected on calling all Republicans cowards. I should have said, Most all Republicans are cowards, sorry.
At 6:00 AM,
NDwalters said…
Hey Rant, I've moved on with life, why won't you?
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