Chancellor Schroeder, rips US in ungraceful farewell speech.
Departing German chancellor Schroeder takes swipe at BushOct 12 10:49 AM US/Eastern Email this story
Outgoing German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has aimed a broadside at US President George W. Bush, saying Hurricane Katrina showed what happened when a state neglected its duty.
Schroeder made his comments in a speech to a trade union in Hanover on Wednesday in which he warned of the dangers of eroding the welfare functions of the state.
This is another reason why we left Europe. They have no clue what decentralized government is and that the local and state governments must take their share of the tasks. Of course in a land with 12% unemployment and stagflation, they're better than us right? Nope....
"I can think of a recent disaster that shows what happens when a country neglects its duties of state towards its people," said Schroeder, who will soon cede his post to conservative rival Angela Merkel.
Yeah, let's talk about the growing threat of Islamofascism, that you neglected and let ferment. This guy did not learn from the Weimar Republic. They sat and sang and hoped nothing would happen, but it goose-stepped into power anyway. Schroeder's legacy will be as the Chancellor who split with the US, inflamed Europe, and tanked his own economy. Schroeder talks of the duty of the state towards its people. Yeah, that's rich from the land of euthanasia and ethnic genocide. Bite me, Herr Schroeder. Also, the state is only as effective as it's people. Your people seemed content to suck down beer and eat bratwust, while we fought and liberated two countries and stimied other tyrants. Kiss the hairiest part of our ass!
"My post as chancellor, which I still hold, does not allow me to name that country but you all know that I am talking about America," Schroeder said to laughter and applause.
Of course Der Deutsche applauded. On cue, as usual. Herr Goebbels and Leni Riefenstahl would have been proud of this new wave of socialist Nazis. Screwen ze Herren!
Schroeder fell out with Bush over the war in Iraq when he refused to commit German troops to the war and relations between the two leaders have remained chilly.
Yet he did commit troops to Afghanistan, and did help in the War on Terror. However, they refuse to deport anyone who faces the death penalty. Wow, a little guilt over what you guys put into power in 1933?
In another jab at the US president on Wednesday, Schroeder spoke of British Prime Minister Tony Blair as "my British friend, who also has other friends," in a reference to their alliance on Iraq.
Figures that the Saxons would take a swipe at the Anglos. They have been enemies for years. Blair had the guts. Schroeder had the bitterness. Oh wait, Blair won, and Schroeder lost his re-election. Aufuedersahen Schroeder!
Schroeder made the remarks to warn against Merkel's policies, which he says will change the nature of Germany's cherished welfare state and create a less humane society.
"People do not want the state in their faces, but they want it by their side," he said.
Only in their faces if it's your brand of socialism, right Gerhard? Yeah, thank God the Germans tossed you out.... Disgraceful taking a swipe at the incoming administration. Bitterness and envy will be the undoing of Germany, not policies. These guys make the Democrats look like mature folks....
Three weeks after inconclusive national elections, he had agreed on Sunday to step down to allow Merkel to lead a left-right coalition of their respective parties.
And now the gun begins. Good luck, Germany. Hopefully you can change before you're swallowed up by the next Evil Empire...
Departing German chancellor Schroeder takes swipe at BushOct 12 10:49 AM US/Eastern Email this story
Outgoing German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has aimed a broadside at US President George W. Bush, saying Hurricane Katrina showed what happened when a state neglected its duty.
Schroeder made his comments in a speech to a trade union in Hanover on Wednesday in which he warned of the dangers of eroding the welfare functions of the state.
This is another reason why we left Europe. They have no clue what decentralized government is and that the local and state governments must take their share of the tasks. Of course in a land with 12% unemployment and stagflation, they're better than us right? Nope....
"I can think of a recent disaster that shows what happens when a country neglects its duties of state towards its people," said Schroeder, who will soon cede his post to conservative rival Angela Merkel.
Yeah, let's talk about the growing threat of Islamofascism, that you neglected and let ferment. This guy did not learn from the Weimar Republic. They sat and sang and hoped nothing would happen, but it goose-stepped into power anyway. Schroeder's legacy will be as the Chancellor who split with the US, inflamed Europe, and tanked his own economy. Schroeder talks of the duty of the state towards its people. Yeah, that's rich from the land of euthanasia and ethnic genocide. Bite me, Herr Schroeder. Also, the state is only as effective as it's people. Your people seemed content to suck down beer and eat bratwust, while we fought and liberated two countries and stimied other tyrants. Kiss the hairiest part of our ass!
"My post as chancellor, which I still hold, does not allow me to name that country but you all know that I am talking about America," Schroeder said to laughter and applause.
Of course Der Deutsche applauded. On cue, as usual. Herr Goebbels and Leni Riefenstahl would have been proud of this new wave of socialist Nazis. Screwen ze Herren!
Schroeder fell out with Bush over the war in Iraq when he refused to commit German troops to the war and relations between the two leaders have remained chilly.
Yet he did commit troops to Afghanistan, and did help in the War on Terror. However, they refuse to deport anyone who faces the death penalty. Wow, a little guilt over what you guys put into power in 1933?
In another jab at the US president on Wednesday, Schroeder spoke of British Prime Minister Tony Blair as "my British friend, who also has other friends," in a reference to their alliance on Iraq.
Figures that the Saxons would take a swipe at the Anglos. They have been enemies for years. Blair had the guts. Schroeder had the bitterness. Oh wait, Blair won, and Schroeder lost his re-election. Aufuedersahen Schroeder!
Schroeder made the remarks to warn against Merkel's policies, which he says will change the nature of Germany's cherished welfare state and create a less humane society.
"People do not want the state in their faces, but they want it by their side," he said.
Only in their faces if it's your brand of socialism, right Gerhard? Yeah, thank God the Germans tossed you out.... Disgraceful taking a swipe at the incoming administration. Bitterness and envy will be the undoing of Germany, not policies. These guys make the Democrats look like mature folks....
Three weeks after inconclusive national elections, he had agreed on Sunday to step down to allow Merkel to lead a left-right coalition of their respective parties.
And now the gun begins. Good luck, Germany. Hopefully you can change before you're swallowed up by the next Evil Empire...
At 1:11 PM,
NDwalters said…
No Kevin, if you read a thing without a liberal slant. You'd know that some, the Pilgrims fled Europe b/c of religious persecution and came here. Some were conquistadors, but many just came in for a new life. Apparently that doesn't appeal to you.
Indians were hanged for scalping families, women and kids included, you twit. They practiced human sacrifice and judging by that Christianity was an improvement. Oh as far as fundamentalist fairy tales go, be so brazen with God, I dare ya.
Second, the blacks latched onto Christianity, and I think you called them all ignorant, by logic. Hypocrite....
And as far as disease goes, spare me that blankets and flu crap. The Black Plague made its way around the world, you twit. Plague came with the settlers whether they wanted it or not.
Also, we happen to like the standard measure system, which the British made up and keep. And since you seem to not like the US, we'll help you move.
Are you this ignorant or did you study liberalism to learn it. Done with you.....
At 2:05 PM,
NDwalters said…
Nope Kevin, you more or less made a blanket statement that every Christian is an ignorant peon. And that you're HL Mencken types are ubermensch. No frickin way. You guys are superior in your minds. Imperious is more like it. Some slaves were educated, or learned on their own. How did they learn? Hmmm, read their Bibles as I recall.
Cite something about witchcraft besides the Crucible, that was anti-Commie hunter propaganda.
Also, deny that in Tenohitlican, that there was never Human Sacrifice to Quetzocatal....their sun and blood god. Deny that Mexico flourished after the Christians took charge, and that the MExican independence movement of 1811 was not originated with some Catholics and Christians who were against bad European rulers.....
As I recall most of the Founding Fathers, in the USA, were Christians or at least went along with Christ.....
Also, your Indian MAssacres is Bullshit Theory is bunk. John Rolfe, a VA settler and most of his settlement inland from Jamestown were massacred in the 1600s. Fort Mims was a massacre in 1810s, which Andrew Jackson avenged. Little Bighorn ring a bell? Apparently self-hating whites like you enjoy hearing about us getting it, even back then. Nice attitude, Kevin.
Come on. Make the USA out to be a land of parasites and ex-cons. Remember that, when you live off the freedoms others died to create and protect for you.
At 2:43 PM,
NDwalters said…
Les, I expect European elections to get nastier and nastier......
Kevin, I spout facts, you spout contorted facts.
Staci, forget it, it's all semantics to some.....
At 3:00 PM,
NDwalters said…
We helping Mexico, as in Western Civilization. What was it before Cortez? Not what it could have been. Montezuma was no angel, he was a blood god worshipper, so let's not pretend he was like Kicking Bird from Dances With Wolves.....
At 3:22 PM,
NDwalters said…
Wikipedia? Not a bad source.... They put neutrality disclaimers, which is good.
They're not like or others that assert truth, but forgot those pesky sources.
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