Gwyneth, You Can Stay For All We Care!!
Well, Gwyneth Paltrow is the most recent talentless hack whining how bad America is.
Don't let the door hit ya, where the Good Lord split ya!
Bye! By the way, Sky Captain sucked! Sliding Doors was overrated! And my God, could your English accent be any more fake than Madoona's cleavage?
Bu-bye Gwyneth. Tell Johnny Depp hello, and tell Roman Polanski, she may be grown up now, but that was still statutory you pedophile!!!!
Don't let the door hit ya, where the Good Lord split ya!
Bye! By the way, Sky Captain sucked! Sliding Doors was overrated! And my God, could your English accent be any more fake than Madoona's cleavage?
Bu-bye Gwyneth. Tell Johnny Depp hello, and tell Roman Polanski, she may be grown up now, but that was still statutory you pedophile!!!!
At 11:17 AM,
Ranando said…
Let's not forget,
George W. Bush - Druck Driver
Bill O'Reilly - Sexual Harrasser
Rush Limbaugh - Drug Addict
just to name a few.
At 12:36 PM,
NDwalters said…
Rarando, stop posting if you have nothing to say.....
Bush-hmmmm, hasn't had a drink in 20 years, how about you Bad Ass?
O Reilly- CNN producer accused BOR, gotta wonder who put her up to that...
Limbaugh- oh painkiller addiction is so funny.
You have the compassion of a Nazi Camp Guard beating kids. Eat it, scuzball.
We're talkin about Hollyweird. Notice you didn't refute Polanski banging a 14 year old, did you?
At 2:01 PM,
Ranando said…
Do you think before you write, oh that's right your a insurance claims adjuster, never mind.
At 3:08 PM,
NDwalters said…
Bite me. Be nice or your rates can go up..... Not really, not in that department. Prick.
At 3:15 PM,
NDwalters said…
Rarando you have nothing to back up your posts. You're an arrogant old fart who thinks the other 51% of the US is wrong. That's called delusion or senile dementia.....Clear?
I think before I write, obviously you don't......
At 8:55 PM,
NDwalters said…
Kevin, ask Gwenyth, but also ask the other side.... Agendas are like cluster mines, try to tamper or pick at one part and the whole shabang may go off.....
She's an actress, and second rate at that....
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