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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

No Islamic Terrorists, Says Charles Rangel (US Rep, NYC)

OK, I know Democrats are still in denial that Bush was re-elected and still fuming over Iraq starting to work out, but this is stupid.

Charles Rangel knows about as much about history as he does about conservative values.

Moron Rangel asserts that calling Islamic Terrorists Islamic is racist.

First, it's not racist, it's a matter of fact that the 9/11 hijackers and planners were all Muslim extremists. Also, the guys who tried to bomb the World Trade Center in 1993 were also Muslims. Let's not forget the bombers of Pan Am Flight 103, The Beirut US MArine Barracks, Achille Lauro hijackers who killed New Yorker Leon Klinghoffer- in his wheel chair, and so on.....
No Charlie, they are Islamic Terrorist Extremists, get it right.

Rangel aslo asserts that the KKK was predominantly Baptist and was a group of Christians. That pisses me off for so many reasons. First, I am a Southern Baptist, who does watch Disney and Harry Potter. Second, asserting one sect is guilty of terrorism is worse than the so-called evils that Rangel lumps on white Christians. Sure Charlie, and the Black Panthers were a non-violent community group that never shot cops or killed people. Get a brain, you fossil. The KKK was supposedly a "good God fearing group," but they missed the part of the Bible that said ALL MEN ARE CREATED IN GOD'S IMAGE. Real Americans know that all men are given inalieable rights. Look at our Constitution and Declaration Charlie. If you dare read a document written by white guys, some of whom were New Yorkers.

Rangel also incorrectly said Nazis were Christian terrorists. Nazis were pagans, Rangel, you moron! Nazis though they had Christian backers, were hell bent on destroying every church and synagogue and replacing every cross and star of David with the swastika and God with Adolf Hitler. Hitler may have gone to Catholic school when he was little, but that murdering animal was certainly not a Christian. More Christians died at the hands of Hitler and trying to stop him at D-Day and Monte Cassino, than supported Hitler. Rangel, read Rise and Fall of The Third Reich or Cost of Discipleship and then call Christians terrorists.

Charles Rangel has to be the most divisive and history ignorant Congressman from NEw York or the whole US, since Baghdad Jim McDermott. Good luck Harlem, you kept re-electing this guy. Thanks a heap, New York.


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