For Saddam's Sympathizers, Check Out Dis Shit
OK, the usual morons and terrorist supporters are denouncing Saddam's hanging, albeit no different then when Mussolini or Herr Streicher and Kaltenbrunner were executed after WWII.
To those of you crying for him, check out this link. This is the shit he did to his own people. These are Saddam's favorite methods of execution and torture. Warning: This shit is graphic, so don't view this on a full stomach or too late at night.....
To those of you crying for him, check out this link. This is the shit he did to his own people. These are Saddam's favorite methods of execution and torture. Warning: This shit is graphic, so don't view this on a full stomach or too late at night.....
At 4:01 PM,
NDwalters said…
Blah blah blah blah..... Saddam deserved death, eat it looneytunes.
At 7:24 AM,
NDwalters said…
Blah blah blah blah blah, let's let them all lives, says moonshine. Mussolini was shot by a firing squad and his corpse was hanged. Read your history you ignorant retch.
Screw being put in a bad light with the Middle East. Let's see, the minute they stop beheading people and hanging women who are raped, then they can talk to us. Til then, they and their seventh century living selves can take a nice heaping cup of shut the fuck up. And you can join them, traitor.
I care nil what those savages view us as. They've hated the west for centuries. What have they contributed besides some numerics and coffee? NIL, oh, strike that, they've perfected terrorism.
You're an idiot if you think Saddam didn't deserve worse. But, since he killed Americans and called for the death of Jews, that's fine with you, isn't it Gruppenfuhrer?
At 10:03 PM,
Marshal Art said…
It is not surprising that video of a lynching would give some pause. It's not a pretty sight. Since you find this to be a good result, that being the notion that some who were pro-capital punishment might turn from that position after witnessing an execution, I wonder what your opinion is of those who hold up giant photos of aborted babies on street corners. Those holding the photos hope to encourage the exact same change of heart by confronting pro-abortionists with images of the consequences of their position. Of course either will only have an affect on the more sensitive among us. I haven't yet checked out Nick's link, but having seen other horrific images from likes of Hussein, I can tell you that the lynching is no comparison to the actions of Hussein and his thugs. I would have the same revulsion for putting someone to death in a less horrible way. But that does not lessen my belief that capital punishment is necessary and indicative of our elevation of life to it's high place of honor. Capital punishment is just another very distasteful task that needs to be carried out from time to time.
For cartooneyguy,
Sadam was executed in accordance with the laws of the country by which he was judged. If you don't like the laws and procedures of that country, go complain to them. Are you suggesting that the values of another culture are somehow of lesser value than ours? So you didn't want us even going there in the first place, because Sadam was no threat, he was only killing his own people, what business is it of ours, but now you want us to try, sentence and execute him for crimes against his own people. You don't want us in Iraq, but you want us to dictate how they should deal with their own mass murderer. Makes perfect sense.
How typical though, that you would agonize over the manner in which he was put down, rather than celebrate that a despot met his just end. So what if it wasn't pretty. Don't pretend you give a rat's ass about such things. This is merely another attempt to frame circumstances in a manner that looks as bad as possible for conservatives and/or the Bush admin.
At 6:40 AM,
Marshal Art said…
It would be a great negative to ban capital punishment by any other means except a lack of candidates for it. We cherish life as we must and manifest that belief by exacting the type of punishment that we do. It seems incongruous to you, but it is perfectly sound. And since our laws provide this punishment for particular crimes, those who commit those crimes are in fact requesting that punishment. So how much does life mean to you? It is so precious that there must be a severe penalty to match the severity of murder, otherwise justice is not served. If you wish to call it simple revenge, then any penalty for any crime is also revenge. I can deal with that attitude even if I don't share in it. Capital punishment is Biblically sound, if that matters to you, and not considered eye-for-an-eye as would a revenge killing by, say, the victim's father be.
Thus, the distinction between capital punishment and abortion should be clear. The child committed no crime but is a victim of one. The murderer is a criminal who has by his actions shown to be a true candidate for capital punishment. The murderer is obviously not an innocent, defenseless, most vulnerable human being who's done nothing to anyone. The child, invited into the world by it's parents, is not a cold blooded son of a bitch who callously ended the life of another. So what would you do with an otherwise law abiding person who, in the privacy of her own home, murdered her child, ailing parent or spouse in order to deflect the hardship of caring for them? If there's any similarities between the two issues, it's that the mother has done that for which the murderer is about to executed. There's no comparison between the the murderer and child other than their lives are being ended. But the reasons are very different.
I don't want to look it up. But I'll read a link if you've got one.
At 10:45 PM,
Marshal Art said…
I use the term "it" for the sake of simplicity and because the sex of the child is irrelevant. It has nothing to do with my feelings for the innocent, vulnerable and unconsulted human being "it" is.
As to what was once Biblically sound, be advised that how one atones for one's sins no longer requires blood since Christ shed his for all of us. But don't confuse that with punishment for breaking civil man-made laws.
Please restate the pompous part. The whole paragraph is a bit cryptic (at least to me) except for the very end of it. As to that, it's unfortunate that each of our personal POVs are not always reflected in civil law.
At 11:13 PM,
Marshal Art said…
OK, now I get it. My point was that it seems incongruous to a lot of people. To some all killing is the same. This is not true if you consider the difference between murder and killing in battle or for self-defense. Thus, to be pro-life and pro-capital punishment is not really a contradiction. To many, that is.
Now it's easy to say that most criminals are nuts, but there is a line that separates the true nuts from those that know the difference between right and wrong. For that sake of this discussion, I was only referring to the latter. It is a deep subject and in this medium getting too detailed is troublesome. We hope our point is made without having to spell things out, but clarifications help at times. This is one. So my principles do allow for exceptions sometimes, depending on the issue.
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