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Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy New Year Iraq, Guess what's gonna swing from a rope....

Saddam Hussein, sentenced to die, back in November, is set to be executed, at 10 pm EST, US Time, which is morning over there.

Well, Saddam, since you killed millions, endangered and ruined even more lives, enjoy your eternity in hell.

By the way, your funeral is gonna make the Mussolini corpse pinata bash look like a state funeral. Enjoy it, sucka!

Say hi to your two depraved sons and Al Zarqawi when you enter the 7th Circle of Hell.

Ding Dong, That Sumbitch is dead!

Now, back to other scumbag terrorists....


  • At 12:06 PM, Blogger Marshal Art said…

    I've just read where 8000 US troops were killed during the Clinton Administration. No details were given, but it is striking that cartooney, like so many other no-nothing lefties, harp on the low amount killed during a war lasting several years, and somehow think that's any determination of success, or strength of leadership, or of any true measure of our actions in Iraq. Just SO glad such very, very stupid men like looney don't have anything to do with running the war.

    But, as far as the post, for which mooney is too stupid to have a related thought, Hussein's death will be a great comfort to those Iraqis who still feared he might return to power. Justice has been served.

  • At 7:52 AM, Blogger NDwalters said…

    Moonshine's just pissed because Saddam can't kill anymore moderate Muslims or threaten Jews anymore. Screw you, you anti-Semite. When Hitler was killed, my grandfather did a jig! When Tojo, Kaltenbrunner, Streicher, and others were gone, the world celebrates.

    Sic Semper Tyrannis

  • At 10:11 PM, Blogger Marshal Art said…

    The only point buffooney has is the one atop his head. Suicide is the killing of ones' self. Thus, Hitler was killed. But that's OK gooney, I KNOW you're very, very stupid and am not surprised by such comments.

    And maybe the numbers are a crock, but that's hardly the point I was making, you of little brain.


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