And The Liberals Favorite Number is 2000
Yes, the libs are patting themselves on the back, at yet another grim milestone in the War on Terror. 2,000 servicemen and women have been killed in the Iraq War. I imagine Mother Sheehan is relishing this, and no doubt some of the other libs and trolls will enjoy this.
It's no service for our troops, that they bring this up. Rather, to be proven right, above all else.
Yes, and some of you say, go and sign up if you believe in it so much. Well, how about you libs take your advice. Otherwise, shut up and remember these troops died in your place.
It's no service for our troops, that they bring this up. Rather, to be proven right, above all else.
Yes, and some of you say, go and sign up if you believe in it so much. Well, how about you libs take your advice. Otherwise, shut up and remember these troops died in your place.
At 4:33 PM,
NDwalters said…
(playing violin to Schindler's List theme)
Sorry Kev, that BS reeks of Frankenism.
(directed to real nutcase trolls) Come on libs, celebrate, you love death! Come on Crawlspace, get out of that crapheap you dwell in! Rant-endo, lecture some more. I bet you're loving this crap.....
At 6:27 AM,
RightWingRocker said…
Bottom line ...
For liberals to succeed, America must fail ...
on as many fronts as possible.
Makes me really proud to be on the side I'm on.
At 10:40 AM,
crallspace said…
Why do you waste your time trying to reason with this nutjob? The guy is obviously mentally ill... he and the other neo-con cowards are so dyed-in-the-wool stupid that they are not going to listen to reason.
Reason and common sense are not what unite neo-cons. Greed and ignorance do, so quit wasting your time on this fake Christian fucktard. Don't feed the flames of utter stupidity. That's all this blog is.
Bush could fuck a sheep in front of this asshole, and all Nick would do is either deny it, or find a reason that Bush was doing something patriotic.
Don't worry... these losers have no real influence in the minds of thinking people. It's OK. LEt the extremist rant to his sheep of 3 or 4. You've seen how cults act, and this isn't much different.
At 12:04 PM,
NDwalters said…
Crawlspace, go crawl or slither back up Michael Moore's ass, where you belong, you stink nugget.
Crawl, if neocons and RIGHT THINKING PEOPLE have no influence, explain why 51% of the US voted for Bush, and only 48% for Kerry? Also, explain why the GOP and Independents are making a killing in Senate and House Races? There can't be that many rigged elections, besides those in your addled brain. Face it Crotchspace, you're an idiot. No one wants to listen to you.
And since you're such a badass, why haven't YOU signed up to serve in Iraq? Does your yellow streak run that long down your back? Also down to the pants cuff? Come on, assbite, bring it. You're the freakshow with nothing to gain and nothing to contribute.
At 12:31 PM,
Ranando said…
Nick Walters said...
Crawlspace, go crawl or slither back up Michael Moore's ass, where you belong, you stink nugget.
Face it Crotchspace, you're an idiot. No one wants to listen to you.
Come on, assbite, bring it.
cc: Gregg Matte
At 12:44 PM,
NDwalters said…
Rant, the perfect snitch, the perfect b-tch. How was the World Series and all that money you paid for a box seat? Rant?
At 12:56 PM,
Ranando said…
You emailed me after you asked me to never comment on your site again. I respected your wishes and left you alone. Now you go commenting on one of my blogs and start with your crap again.
I don't care if you comment, it's fine with me but don't start with the anger and hate, I don't have the time for it. If you continue, I will copy Pastor Matte on everything nasty you write.
I don't pay for tickets or suites. People or companies invite me to such affares.
cc: Gregg Matte
At 1:18 PM,
Ranando said…
One more thing,
Houston 0
Chicago 3
I'm on my way to a Habitat for Humanity meeting here in Houston and then on to the game.
Free Game that is...........
At 4:25 PM,
NDwalters said…
Habitat for Humanity. Good for you, even liberals can be good people. Sometimes.
At 4:42 PM,
NDwalters said…
Hey, Rant, how are the Angels doing? Oh wait, they lost to the White Sox. And how about the Dodgers? Oh no, they were nowhere near close.
California sports, hehehehe..... Aside from USC right now, what do you guys have?
At 9:32 AM,
crallspace said…
Way to trash on a sports team from their city.
Man, Nick is a tough talker.
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