Not So Young But Angry Conservatives Unite

Getting sick of the progressively worse slant and obvious bias of the media? Got booted out of other sites for offending too many liberals? Make this your home. If you SPAM here, you're gone. Trolling? Gone. Insult other posters I agree with. Gone. Get the pic. Private sanctum, private rules. No Fairness Doctrine and PC wussiness tolerated here..... ECCLESIASTES 10:2- The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of a fool to the left.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Jimmy Carter rails on Gitmo Gulag, also.

Well, well, well, it was a matter of time before Jimmy Carter threw his two cents in on the Guantanomo Prison dogpile also. Carter, an unabashed human rights icon to the left, and former one term President, said that Gitmo is a source of embarrassment. He urges that this "gulag should be closed." LINK:

OK, Jimmy, you parrotted what Joe Biden said earlier this week, and expressed the blame Bush movement. Now, do any of them have a solution to this?

On the radio, Carter is reported to have proposed that the US send back all of the prisoners to their native countries and we let them deal with it. There is so much wrong with that for so many reasons, Jimmy. First, if the other countries were doing their job of confinement and prosecution, we would not have caught them elsewhere and had to detain them. Second, the other countries may be riddled with sympathizers, willing to bend the laws or help in a jailbreak. Third, the laws may not be as strict as they could be on busbombers and headcutters.

In comparing the gulags and the US, it's ironic since Carter has turned a deaf ear to the pleas of the gulags in Cuba, North Korea, and now in Venezuela. Venezuela, Carter endorsed Hugo Chavez. Chavez a human rights violator, but not chastised by Carter, unlike his own native America. Chavez who rigged the election and used a coup to stop another one. Yes, let's get lectured from the tin pot dictator, and from his Jimmy McCarter-y dummy. At least Edgar Bergen and his wooden headed buddy were funny. Jimmy and Hugo are NOT, they are serious and that is costing lives.

Sorry, Jimmy, you're on the wrong side of history, again.

1. Round up all of the rejects in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib and take them OUT of their current jailings.
2. Transport them to a deserted, yet garden rich island.
3. Promise to feed them via air drop, if and only if they do not try to escape. We'll mine the surrounding waters to make sure. Also, set up patrols from off shore platform, temporarily.
4. Air drop their food, or say it's food.
5. BUT REALLY, airdrop all of the pit bulls that keep mauling kids and old people. Strap chutes to em, and kick them out of the cargo doors. Those dogs will be pissed off, but more pissed when their chutes (triggered to open at X altitude) open, and they have not eaten.
6. Let the dogs pounce on and devour the terrorists.
7. CALL it Operation: Payback's A Bitch.
8. For any survivors of the dogs, air drop New York Sewer rats. May need larger planes, since those are recorded to be bigger than the pit bulls.
9. CALL that Operation Mo-up or Operation: Rain Of Rats.

That's my solution!!!!

You'd think he'd learned from the Iran Debacle, the Russian Olypmics boycott, and his malaise finger pointing. Apparently, not.

Stick to building houses Jimmy. Politics and law are not your suit.


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