Not So Young But Angry Conservatives Unite

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Friday, June 10, 2005

Amnesty International Aided in Terrorist's Escape

For those of you that think Amnesty International is still a useful and good organization, think again. Read this.....

Amnesty Int'l Aided 9/11 Plotter

The human rights group Amnesty International - which accuses America of running a "gulag" at Guantanamo Bay - apparently aided in the escape of a key al-Qaida member who's suspected of helping plan the 9/11 attacks.Just two months after the World Trade Center was destroyed, Amnesty issued one of its "URGENT ACTION" reports on behalf of Ahmed Hikmat Shakir, who was then being detained by Jordanian security forces in connection with a planning session for the 9/11 attacks.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Amnesty complained that Shakir was being held in "incommunicado detention and is at risk of torture or ill-treatment." Saddam Hussein - the only Mideast leader to publicly praise the 9/11 attacks - also weighed in on Shakir's behalf.

"Pressure from Amnesty and Saddam Hussein worked," the Journal said. "Mr. Shakir was released and hasn't been seen since."
Shakir was present at a January 2000 al-Qaida summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where the 9/11 plot was reviewed. Two of the actual 9/11 hijackers were also at the same meeting.
When he was arrested in Qatar not long after the 9/11 attacks, Shakir had telephone numbers for the safe houses of the 1993 World Trade Center bombers.

But for the intervention of Amnesty International, Shakir might be in Guantanamo today - undergoing grilling by U.S. interrogators about al-Qaida's plans for the next 9/11.

As if the "gulag" comments were not an insult, this is far far worse. Amnesty International has now shown itself as aiding and supporting terrorists. They support the rights of people who helped murder thousands on 9/11. Weren't the over 3,000 dead deprived of their human rights also? Apparently, the dead don't matter, unless they are terrorists or part of the Turd World that Michael Savage so illustrates well.

Why this group is not facing charges as an accessory to aiding terrorists after the fact is beyond me? I can tell you why. Our Justice Department is emasculated, and is recovering from eight years of Clintonism, turning a blind eye to terrorists but prosecuting the Clinton's enemies. Also, the head in Dept. of Justice, FBI, Homeland Security, The Attorney General's Office, State, and even the White House are too political minded and not practical. To throw the book at these international scuzbags is not PC, and could endanger the next wave of useless selling out.

I challenge President Bush and the US Government that cares to prosecute and indict Amnesty International, the lawyers responsible for this action, and the US officials who buckled for any and all complicity in this. And when the next massive and bloody terrorist attack hits, tack on murder and negligent homicide to the charges.

Let's be more like the Nuremburg Tribunral. Give stiff sentences, and no slack on the hangman's knoose. Don't be like the current Hague which passes toothless prison sentences. Anyone who aided the Nazis was tried along with them. Why not trie these collaborators?

Deny not justice, says Exodus, deny it not for the poor or the dead.


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