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Monday, February 28, 2005

Oscar's Liberal Bias, Listen to the Audience.

Here's something that may prove the bias of the liberals and how they treat movies. Passion of The Christ, got no awards and when mentioned light applause. Fahrenheit 9/11, not nominated, got a booming applause.

Here's the article link:

Here's the article:

Oscar Audience Applauds Louder for Fahrenheit 9-11 Than Passion
When in his opening monologue Academy Awards host Chris Rock mentioned Fahrenheit 9-11, the audience delivered loud cheers and applause, but when he cited The Passion of the Christ the Hollywood audience offered a barely audible light smattering of applause. Actor/comedian Rock joked about Fahrenheit 9-11: "Can you imagine applying for a job. And while you're applying for that job, a movie in every theater in the country that shows how much you sucked at that job?" Earning sustained cheers and applause, Rock cracked: "I watched Fahrenheit and I learned some stuff, man. Bush did some things you could never get away with at your job, man. When Bush got into office, they had a surplus of money. Now, there's like a $70 trillion deficit. Just imagine you worked at The Gap. You closing out your register and there's $70 trillion short. The average person would get in trouble for something like that. Right? Not Bush."
Rock paired the two movies in a portion of his opening joke set on the awards program carried live Sunday night on ABC from Los Angeles: "Some of the best movies of the year, nobody wanted to make. You know, one of my favorite movies this year was Fahrenheit 9/11. Fahrenheit 9/11 was beautiful [loud applause]. Michael Moore did not get nominated for an Oscar, okay. Right now, Michael Moore is going, 'I should have just made Super Size Me. I've done the research.' [laughter and applause] "Hey, you know, a lot of people like to bash Bush. I'm not going to bash Bush here tonight. I saw Fahrenheit 9/11. I think Bush is a genius. I think Bush did some things this year nobody in this room could do. Nobody in this room could pull off. Bush basically re-applied for his job this year. Now can you imagine applying for a job. And while you're applying for that job, a movie in every theater in the country that shows how much you sucked at that job? [laughter] It would be hard to get hired, wouldn't it? I watched Fahrenheit and I learned some stuff, man. Bush did some things you could never get away with at your job, man. When Bush got into office, they had a surplus of money. Now, there's like a $70 trillion deficit. Just imagine you worked at The Gap. [laughter ] You closing out your register and there's $70 trillion short. The average person would get in trouble for something like that. Right? Not Bush. No. [cheers and applause] "Then -- then, he started a war. That's cool. Support the troops. He started a war. Now, just imagine you worked at The Gap. You're $70 trillion behind and your register. And you start a war with Banana Republic. Because you say they have toxic tank tops over there. You had the war. People are dying. A thousand Gap employees are dead. That's right. Bleeding all over the khakis. You finally take over Banana Republic. And you find out they never made tank tops in the first place. [cheers and applause] "Yeah, man. Another movie nobody wanted to make this year -- another movie nobody wanted to make was a big religious movie, Passion of the Christ [smattering of light applause]. That's right. The Passion of the Christ. I saw The Passion of the Christ. Not that funny, really. Nobody wanted to make The Passion of the Christ, man. Come on. They made six Police Academies and can't make one The Passion of the Christ. They had no problem making Hell Boy, but made The Passion of the Christ...."
The page on Rock posted by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences:
The Internet Movie Database's bio page for Rock:


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