CNN and Bill Mahrer Insult Christians
It's no secret that Bill Mahrer and some at CNN dislike and insult Christians on a regular basis.
Here's an article on Mahrer's most recent offense.
Just Last Week, Maher Mouthed Off on MSNBC: “Religion Stops People From Thinking....Religion is a Neurological Disorder.”
CNN Anchor Helps Promote HBO’s Offensive Anti-Faith “Comedian”
Offending people is Bill Maher’s schtick, as he showed again just last week when he denounced religion — all religion — during a February 15 appearance on MSNBC: “We are a nation that is unenlightened because of religion. I do believe that. I think religion stops people from thinking. I think it justified crazies. I think flying planes into a building was a faith-based initiative. I think religion is a neurological disorder.”
Operating under the pretense that he offers brave, “politically incorrect” insights, Maher has been a fount of mean-spiritedness for years, such as during the 2000 election recount when he cheered the idea of murdering Katherine Harris. Liberal journalists would never tolerate such venom if it came from the lips of a conservative talk show host.
But Maher didn’t face a single hardball when he showed up on CNN’s NewsNight on Tuesday to promote the return of his weekly HBO show. Instead, anchor Aaron Brown applauded the offensive comedian (“We’re glad you’re back at work”) and commiserated with him about how hard it is to speak freely in today’s supposedly intolerant climate.
“He is a political comedian at a time when the culture itself seems to have a fair amount of trouble laughing at itself,” Brown asserted. He told Maher: “Someone suggested the other day that the only people in the country who really get to speak their minds are comedians and talk show hosts; everyone else gets trampled. That seem to make sense to you?” Does Aaron Brown feel trampled?
Maher touted his uniqueness: “I don’t think all comedians and talk show hosts speak their mind. I think it’s an even smaller club than that. We do live in much more politically correct times.” He blamed Christians: “The country has become much more conservative, partly because it’s been taken over by the religious right.”
For someone who complains about a stifling political environment, Maher has no problem attracting publicity. He’s been on NewsNight at least three other times, which puts him one ahead of another of Aaron Brown’s favorite guests: Air America radio’s Al Franken, another mean-spirited liberal.
And here's the link:
Here's an article on Mahrer's most recent offense.
Just Last Week, Maher Mouthed Off on MSNBC: “Religion Stops People From Thinking....Religion is a Neurological Disorder.”
CNN Anchor Helps Promote HBO’s Offensive Anti-Faith “Comedian”
Offending people is Bill Maher’s schtick, as he showed again just last week when he denounced religion — all religion — during a February 15 appearance on MSNBC: “We are a nation that is unenlightened because of religion. I do believe that. I think religion stops people from thinking. I think it justified crazies. I think flying planes into a building was a faith-based initiative. I think religion is a neurological disorder.”
Operating under the pretense that he offers brave, “politically incorrect” insights, Maher has been a fount of mean-spiritedness for years, such as during the 2000 election recount when he cheered the idea of murdering Katherine Harris. Liberal journalists would never tolerate such venom if it came from the lips of a conservative talk show host.
But Maher didn’t face a single hardball when he showed up on CNN’s NewsNight on Tuesday to promote the return of his weekly HBO show. Instead, anchor Aaron Brown applauded the offensive comedian (“We’re glad you’re back at work”) and commiserated with him about how hard it is to speak freely in today’s supposedly intolerant climate.
“He is a political comedian at a time when the culture itself seems to have a fair amount of trouble laughing at itself,” Brown asserted. He told Maher: “Someone suggested the other day that the only people in the country who really get to speak their minds are comedians and talk show hosts; everyone else gets trampled. That seem to make sense to you?” Does Aaron Brown feel trampled?
Maher touted his uniqueness: “I don’t think all comedians and talk show hosts speak their mind. I think it’s an even smaller club than that. We do live in much more politically correct times.” He blamed Christians: “The country has become much more conservative, partly because it’s been taken over by the religious right.”
For someone who complains about a stifling political environment, Maher has no problem attracting publicity. He’s been on NewsNight at least three other times, which puts him one ahead of another of Aaron Brown’s favorite guests: Air America radio’s Al Franken, another mean-spirited liberal.
And here's the link:
At 2:12 PM,
Don Myers said…
Both CNN and HBO are owned by AOL Time Warner, so where you see a shadowly conspiracy of liberals trying to control your mind, I just see corporate synergy by a wealthy transnational corporation.
I thought you conservatives loved wealthy transnational corporations. So what gives?
At 9:51 AM,
NDwalters said…
Don, some of us do take slight offense to equating the majority of Americans to be stagnant and ignorant due to religion. OK, let's equate some of the so-called stupid Christians and Organizations that promoted advances. Internation Red Cross- started by Clara Barton, set up and continues to set up hospitals and clinics globally, Leonardo Di Vinci- devout Catholic- painter, worked on aircraft schematics, anatomy, other ahead of his time theories, Gallelio- religious, but did fear the THEN BACKWARD pious leaders (same guys who made Reformation a must), Gregor Mendel- a monk, biologist, worked on metamorphis and splitting, and many others.
Also, Don, cons don't love all corporations. Just we at the evil Halliburton corp growing an army of Orcs, plotting takeover. Conspiracy theories? The best ones have come from your side of the aisle, pal. Not ours.
At 11:15 AM,
Don Myers said…
Now I know you're jerking me around, ND. Everybody knows that McDonald Douglass got the orc contracts!
Seriously, tho'---we're both right. Religious people have done some great things AND some terrible, terrible things. It's not an either/or thing.
One of my favorite lines (although I forget who I stole it from) is an SAT question:
"Al-Qaeda is to Islam what ________ is to Christianity?"
Answer: the KKK
We certainly shouldn't judge all of Christanity by the actions of the Klan (or the Crusades, or the clinic bombers, etc etc etc). And I don't think that Maher does, either. But for every positive example you name, you have to admit there is a very negative one as well.
At 12:35 PM,
NDwalters said…
Well, Don, don't judge every conservative as a Nazi, buck-toothed, illiterate, unwashed serf. We take offense to that. Even those of us who work in offices, and did graduate college. I find it odd that most of the judging comes from your side and the extreme radicals. Care to explain that one?
At 2:03 PM,
Don Myers said…
Care to explain that one?
Sure. That's easy!
You're Wrong.
While the right certainly doesn't have a monolopy on mud-slinging, lying, and the politics of personal destruction, they beat the left hands down, 10 to 1, in both quantity and quality of bullshit.
Frankly, the left---and in a very small way, the Democrats---are still learing how to do it. We're catching up.
At least 50% of the "judging" from "extreme radicals" is bullshit from NewsMax or Rush complaining about COMPLETELY FICTIOUS left-wing chicanery.
These are the same people who have somehow convinced you---despite your common sense and the evidence of your own eyes---that wealthy transnational corporations like Disney, Viacom, AOL Time Warner, and Viacom are part of a socialist cabal injecting a liberal bias into the media! I mean, the idea is ludicrious on the face of it, but the right buys it like lotto tickets and cigarettes!
At 2:25 PM,
NDwalters said…
Fiction sure can be fun, huh Ron? Now let's get back to reality. No media bias? I'll bet my bi-ass that there is. Ask Dan Rather and why he's gone from CBS, genius. Oh, I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Cite some articles, oh King of Crap.
At 2:42 PM,
NDwalters said…
Don, let's compare whose crap is worse. Let's see. Dodging the draft, your last President did that and your media didn't touch that. Bush served in the National Guard, which you will deny and claim was made up, but your media was all over documents (which were the worse BS) until they proved wrong. Judging is done more by you intolerant jerks than any conservative. You say everyone is intolerant but yourselves, BULL CRAP! You are all liars and full of it, if you think we don't put up with more crap than you. While you losers skulk off to Europe or Canada after the election went bad, when Clinton won we stayed put. Why? We love America and the radicals DO NOT. 10 to 1 odds? Give some facts and polls, otherwise shut it. Also, you keep lumping every conservative in with a clicque of ignorant couch potatoes. Wow, I guess everyone who doesn't agree with YOU is ignorant, well SCREW YOU Don. You didn't bother to explain a dang thing. You're immaturity is evident in how you abused that trooper's family. You are venomous anti-American freakshow, and if you left, we'd be all the better. For some reason, you and your flag-burning ilk stay around? Why? Irritation? Mission partially accomplished, we're getting on with life. You're all living like it's 1967 and the US is an evil power in evil wars. Ask our vets if they thought they were evil. Stay around for patriotism of your own? Sure, let's ban One Nation Under God and any reference to yellow ribbons on vehicles, like they did at a California and Oregon college. That's not patriotism and that's not the MAJORITY OF AMERICA. You guys are patriots like Michael Moore is thin. I figured out why you all stay here! It's the Freedom and Resources! Freedom that many have died protecting, including the so-called trailer trash, that you acquait our troops to. Reminder- those poor country boys are blown to bits by roadside bombs or shot by snipers protecting your right to act like a smart ass. Also, that freedom is what the Iraqis are enjoying for the first time, and despite the fact that war is messy, they are choosing their destiny and it will succeed. No matter how much you bloodthirsty vermin want it not to. You love you freedom, explicit and implied, but then you question the manner in which your freedoms are preserved. I say, sign up and man a wall with a gun and helmet, or walk the streets as a cop. If not, support those forces. If you do not want to support any of that, you can shut up and mind you own business. Either way, I don't give damn what you think our freedom should be based on. It's based on freedoms that no liberal can re-write, and a God you cannot blot out no matter your smearing of Him, or your gossips on Mel Gibson and his films, and no matter the attempts to link every Christian to the KKK or Aryan Nation. Resources is another. We are a rich land, and our troops protect our economy so we don't get attacked like we did on September 11. It strikes me if you don't like America, then leave its freedoms and resources behind. There is no picking or choosing. Stay and support it, despite our constant work in progress. OR, kindly leave the US. Either way, JUST SHUT UP about how stupid the majority of moderate and conservative Americans are. There are alot more of us than there are of you. Feel free not to post here, ever again.
At 1:10 PM,
Don Myers said…
Your comment above is textbook example of the 10 to 1 bullshit ratio I'm talking about. Thank you,
At 1:11 PM,
Don Myers said…
Your comment above is textbook example of the 10 to 1 bullshit ratio I'm talking about. Thank you,
At 1:11 PM,
Don Myers said…
Your comment above is textbook example of the 10 to 1 bullshit ratio I'm talking about. Thank you,
At 4:58 PM,
NDwalters said…
It's BS because you said so? What's next, does poor wittle wiberal baby need something sides his bottle to suck on? Off my blog, assbite. Prove everything that conservatives, Christians, and everyone BUT YOU says is BS. Give imperical evidence or try and give a more than 2 sentence quip otherwise, shut your filthy sewer.
Off my blog, you pussbag!
At 7:11 PM,
Don Myers said…
I love how you can spew out page after page of unsubstantialed drivel---yet when one of the grown-ups calls you on it, you demand "imperical evidence."
At 11:59 AM,
NDwalters said…
You're as grown up as you are straight. Again, off my site, pussbag. Your evidence is crap, the sites are more tainted than Monica Lewinsky's dress. Your bias and BS is showing through so bad that any of your "empirical evidence" has the weight of a spitwad.
At 3:54 AM,
RightWingRocker said…
Your evidence is crap, the sites are more tainted than Monica Lewinsky's dress.
OMG ... if only you know ND.
Don came to MY BLOG and asserted that Presidnet Licoln was pro-slavery.
He's nothing more than a barking moonbat troll who goes around stirring things up on other blogs trying to get traffic to his own loony blog.
I don't grant him the satisfaction.
At 8:57 AM,
Valkyrie said…
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