Not So Young But Angry Conservatives Unite

Getting sick of the progressively worse slant and obvious bias of the media? Got booted out of other sites for offending too many liberals? Make this your home. If you SPAM here, you're gone. Trolling? Gone. Insult other posters I agree with. Gone. Get the pic. Private sanctum, private rules. No Fairness Doctrine and PC wussiness tolerated here..... ECCLESIASTES 10:2- The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of a fool to the left.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


In case you forgot, those who did not vote, or those who are hungover with victory (it's 2 years til next election) there is still a war on Terror going on.

And yes, you who want to make peace with Hamas, read this.....,2933,228086,00.html

Hamas urges Muslims around world to wage war on U.S. ........

What does the new Congress intend to do about this?


  • At 7:28 AM, Blogger Ranando said…

    I can tell you one thing the New Congress won't do...

    They won't send our troops to war with no intention of winning.

    The American People Have Spoken...

    They not only spoke, they screamed!

    They are fed up with the:

    The do nothing leaders.
    Soldiers dying because they’re not allowed to fight and win.
    Fox News.
    The Christian Right.
    Sean Hannity.
    Man Coulter.
    Tom Delay.
    Michelle Malkin.
    Rush Limbaugh.
    The Bush is God Crowd.
    Osama bin Laden still being alive.
    Trashing people who have served in our military.
    People who want War as long as someone else is doing the fighting.
    Laura Bush.
    Lynn Cheney.
    Leaders that take us to War but have never served.
    Stay the Course.
    Karl Rove.
    Open borders.
    Saudi Arabia.
    A divided America.

  • At 8:05 AM, Blogger NDwalters said…

    Ran, just hope the new Congress goes non-partisan on national security, like they did in WWII.

    To quote one general, 'Will they let us win, this time?'

    And some of the GOP ousted, were do-nothings, and needed to go. One or two, I was shocked by.

  • At 12:10 PM, Blogger NDwalters said…

    Yeah, everyone's glad, except Israel..... Wake up you victory drunk bunch of twerps, you're playing into the hands of the enemy......

    Oh, here's the Wicked Bitch of the West's gracious statement on Rummy being offered up.....,2933,228201,00.html

  • At 2:07 PM, Blogger blamin said…


    You truly have no clue do you? Is there anything you believe that’s based in the real world? I mean, your whole persona is a fake.

    Still haven’t read the Orson Scott Card piece have you? That’s because you’re a pathetic coward.


    I think you need to change your panties, they’re getting way too wet. That comment about surrendering to Osama was totally despicable and goes to show how twisted and warped you far left little bitches really are.

    You better pray to your humanistic gods that our politicians don’t go insane and abandon the Iraqi people.

  • At 8:41 AM, Blogger blamin said…


    Let's see just how informed you think you are.

    Why, exactly, can we not win this war?

  • At 11:33 AM, Blogger blamin said…


    You know as well as I do that we call it a war on terror because it would be politically incorrect to call it by its real name. And very simply we can win the war we are fighting, because we are winning it. At least we were before this last election. If the Iraqi’s now believe we will abandon them, then the militant Islamist(?) will win.


    We’re not in this war to “suppress the Iraqi people” you freakin’ imbecile!!! Jeeze, try to be serious and I’ll try not to point out the obvious.

  • At 5:16 PM, Blogger Marshal Art said…

    Hi Les! How 'bout dem Bulls?

  • At 9:31 PM, Blogger Marshal Art said…

    Currently, the violence is occurring in roughly a 30 mile radius from the center of Bahgdad. There are only 5 provinces experiencing violence out of how many?

    According to Maj Gen Wm B Caldwell IV, Spokesman, Multi-Nat'l Force, Iraq in a briefing on Oct 26, 06:

    Multi-Nat'l Force has moved from a leadership position to support.

    -90 of 112 Iraqi army battalions are now in lead positions
    -6 of 10 divisions are in lead positions
    -30 of 36 brigades are in lead positions

    This means that the goal of the Iraqi people taking control of their own country is happening. There are incidents of violence being quelled by Iraqi security forces with the help of local leaders and people. This means that buffooney is a very, very stupid man as this does not indicate that the Iraqi army is ill-trained or ill-equipped or that they Iraqis are not stepping up. Hardly sounds out of control to me, but then one can hear so much better when one's head isn't firmly up one's ass. No bungling of the war here. What there is is bungled reporting from the media and shit for brains losers like mooney believe every word because of their chronic BDS. It's like the Tet Offensive where we heard all about the 1500 or so dead GI's but narry a thing about the 25,000 dead NVA. Hard to get behind anything when all you hear is the negative shit. And speaking of negative shit, get a clue, mooney.

  • At 10:40 AM, Blogger blamin said…


    Did you actually believe confronting LooneyTooney with the facts would make a difference? Yah I know, ya hafta try! I’ve often wondered if he has a sign at both ends that reads: “insert here”.


    (Hey Marshall, I’m doing it to!) “This war should have been over in a day or two” Every time I think you can’t possibly be more simple-minded you prove me wrong. Is there anybody in there?

  • At 1:44 PM, Blogger NDwalters said…

    Shit, I've been away a while. My thread's got a life of it's own. I say WIN this thing, now, because we got Iran down the road. Closer than we think....

  • At 9:34 PM, Blogger Marshal Art said…

    Being a horse's ass, I'm not surprised. There's a distinction between progress and perfection. You, being the very, very stupid man you are, expect, like Renando, that there should be no setbacks, every possible variable accounted for, I guess fucking magic. Do you assume every guy with rank has the big picture just because they have rank? Are you that stupid to believe that every complaint or differing opinion is proof of failure? Do you think these people might be freaked if they realized a circus geek like yourself is evesdropping on their converstations? Can you even hear them adequately with your head so far up your ass? Everybody thinks they're smarter than the boss. Why would these guys be any different. If they're so smart, why aren't they running the war? And for the billionth time, I'll use small words:

    Victory comes when the Iraqi people can take care of business on their own. As my previous post pointed out, these goals are being achieved. That it isn't happening on YOUR timetable is not a sign of failure on the part of our military. But to assume such is another sign of your stupidity (One of so very many.).

  • At 6:58 PM, Blogger Marshal Art said…

    Once again moon, you're hot to take the words of those with whom you're in agreement, yet they don't speak for the whole fucking military. How do you know they didn't just experience a surge in the scumbags offensive? Should that be their last experience, it would certainly appear that there's a problem. But even aside from that possibility, it still doesn't mean progress isn't being made. Unless they are at the top of the food chain, they have a limited perspective of the total operation. In addition, while they complain, others have been pleased with the results, such as they are. Before you post another long list of negative shit, be it known that I'm aware nasty shit still happens. That's why it's a war.


    There's no doubt that everybody (talk of those who want war for profit is crap---I don't buy it for a second) wants to see an end ASAP. But two points are ignored.
    1. Wars are incredibly unpredictable. To set a timetable assumes finite variations that don't exist. I don't think there's been a war that ever went as planned. Heck, even fist-fights can never be 100% certain in the most mismatched pairing. And in this war, there remains an enemy that doesn't resemble any other we've faced and that multiplies the difficulty. 2. Anything short of victory will leave the scumbags with the knowledge that we are indeed paper tigers and the rest of the world with the attitude that we cannot be counted upon to see the hard tasks through. This gives carte blanche to evil to continue as they see fit. If we've ever faced evil in the world, we face it now. They've made their threats known and they've demonstrated that they mean what they say in that regard. Assuming they won't fuck with us in the future is the epitomy of stupidity. (I know I've said mooney was, but that's for fun.) And of course, whatever happened to JFK's "pay any price, bear any burden"? Should there be a timeframe for how long we'll battle evil? And if the use of the term evil bothers you in any way, view a beheading video.

  • At 10:48 AM, Blogger Marshal Art said…

    It's a matter of making this particular evil, adherents of the radical Islamofascist doctrines, so tired of taking a beating that the lion's share of 'em will no longer have the stomach for such treachery and the consequences it brings. It will leave only an impotent remnant that will then perhaps be manageable through civil law enforcement techniques. It's a matter of severely limiting, if not eliminating, any support from governments so that they have fewer, if any, welcoming countries from which to recover and rebuild.

    To use the term "evil" in this case is descriptive of their mentality and attitudes. What a three year old does to a sibling can't be termed "evil" as the child hasn't the capacity to understand good and evil. If you were doing such a thing in your teens let's say, then indeed "evil" could be an appropriate appellation, particularly if you did such things regularly for little reason.

    So the scumbags we fight are evil by the level of brutality of their actions, the targets of those actions, and the motivations behind it. It's not difficult to see that it totally fits in this case. We know evil by these things. And Christian or no, always being prepared and willing to battle against such people who manifest such evil seems to me to be a minimum stance for those who desire better for their world. Debating those who suggest evil without engaging in it is equally important. For example, mooney is no terrorist (he doesn't have what it takes to get radical about anything but himself), but he's evil in his attitudes concerning life, when it's deserving and how to deal with the physically less fortunate. Though he specifically is too far gone and too very, very stupid to convince otherwise, others who may share his opinions need to be convinced or shown the error of their ways as best we can.

    "Evil" is not an easy term with which to deal by those who are non-religious or even barely religious, but it exists without question. I think everyone (or most people---there's sure to be other mooneys in the world) know of evil intrinsically and prefer there be less of it. Thus, the fight must go on and the evil that is Islamic radicalism needs to be quelled as best we can.


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