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Thursday, September 01, 2005

CNN Can't Budge MS Gov to Blame Bush for Hurricane

Well gee, CNN, I guess since your weather machine theories didn't work, let's blame the guy who's rallying aid to help the afflicted area. Good work, Governor Barbour in holding your ground.....



The governor of Mississippi is Haley Barbour. He joins us now live.
Governor Barbour, good to have you with us. Bring us up to date on the numbers. First of all, those numbers I just gave, are they accurate to the moment?
GOV. HALEY BARBOUR, MISSISSIPPI: Well, they're credible, Miles. They're certainly not official, but it's because the government has a policy of not counting fatalities until they've been certified by the coroner. But those numbers are credible, and we worry that they may go up some.
M. O'BRIEN: And when you say, "They may go up some," you've obviously been down there. I've been down there. I've seen the extent of the wreckage. I get the sense that they may go up quite a bit. What are you hearing about people who have missing loved ones or friends?
BARBOUR: Well, you have been down there, and between the coast and the railroad for an area of probably about 50 miles, there's total devastation. I mean, there's virtually nothing standing. Homes that are just totally obliterated. And going through that debris, some of which is waist deep or as tall as a man, going through that takes time. We've rescued a lot of people, and we've found a lot of people. But under all of that debris, it's realistic to believe there's going to be more people.
M. O'BRIEN: Let's talk about the response and what was put into position in advance of this storm. We knew about Katrina. We knew it was a strong storm developing for several days before it ever made landfall. Do you have the sense -- because it's quite clear that state and local officials cannot handle this on their own. This is too overwhelming. Do you have the sense that the federal government has dropped the ball here, sir?
BARBOUR: I really don't. And I think it's very unfair for the federal government, for you to say we knew this was a great powerful storm. This was a category 1 hurricane when it hit Florida. Now that's the truth.
M. O'BRIEN: Governor, it was a category 5 storm.
BARBOUR: The federal government...
M. O'BRIEN: A category 5 storm when it was...
BARBOUR: No, it was a category 1 -- it was a category 1 storm when it hit Florida. It was a category 5 storm a few hours before it came ashore.
M. O'BRIEN: No, no, Governor Barbour...
BARBOUR: The federal government have been tremendous partners in this. They have helped...
M. O'BRIEN: Governor Barbour, surely there was enough knowledge in advance that this was a huge killer storm a matter of days, not hours, before it ever struck landfall. And it seems to me the military...
BARBOUR: Now, Miles, if this is an interview or an argument, I don't care. But if you want to let me tell you what I think, I will.
M. O'BRIEN: OK, go ahead. BARBOUR: And what I think is this storm strengthened in the Gulf. We begged the people to leave, and thousands of people left. Thousands of people left New Orleans. The federal government came in here from the first minute -- in fact, in advance. They have been tremendously helpful, whether it's the Coast Guard, the Corps of Engineers, FEMA.
M. O'BRIEN: But...
BARBOUR: I don't think it's at all fair...
M. O'BRIEN: But...
BARBOUR: ... and I'm not going to agree to that, because I don't believe it's true.
M. O'BRIEN: But conspicuously absent from that short list you just gave us was the military, the Pentagon. This is a type of situation that cries out for the kind of support, the kind of logistics, the kind of coordination the military is ideally suited for. Why weren't more military assets pre-positioned and ready for the possibility here?
BARBOUR: We pre-positioned more than 1,000 National Guard, 175 on the coastal counties, 1,000 more 60 miles inland, so that they wouldn't be swept away in the storm. And as soon as it became clear where the storm was going to hit, even Alabama had sent us National Guard. Pennsylvania has offered us and is sending us 2,500 National Guard.
M. O'BRIEN: But...
BARBOUR: Would I have liked to have had 5,000 National Guard on the ground on Tuesday morning? Yes, that's not -- other states are not going to give up their National Guard until they see what's happening to them. I don't blame them.
M. O'BRIEN: But I'm talking about assets, like, you know, amphibious vehicles that the Navy has. It has helicopter support, hospital support, the ability to generate power, that sort of thing. We haven't seen that kind of thing, the kind of thing we saw, incidentally, in the wake of the tsunami.
BARBOUR: Well, I'm not going to be critical of what the federal government has done. We're very grateful for it. You know, it's easy to go back and pick the bones, but we feel like they have tried very hard.
This is the worst natural disaster that's ever struck the United States. Everybody down here is trying hard. Everybody is tired and fractious. So, I don't want to argue with you about it. But a lot of people from all over the country are helping us, and we really appreciate them, because we're making progress. And we're going to recover from what has been a grievous blow to our state, not just the coast. And we're going to rebuild, and it's going to be bigger and better than ever. But we're not going to do it by nitpicking.
M. O'BRIEN: Governor Haley Barbour, Mississippi. Thank you for your time, sir.
BARBOUR: Thank you, Miles.


  • At 10:36 AM, Blogger NDwalters said…

    Damn you're dumb mooney. STOP POSTING YOU TWIT! You've been deleted.....

  • At 3:40 PM, Blogger NDwalters said…

    I prefer taking out the trash. Stop polluting my site, you twit. Stay in the Museum where you belong, you frickin belong. Frickin Dingus.

  • At 5:34 PM, Blogger NDwalters said…

    No I haven't lost it. It's been a bad day and Mooney and me and others have a blood feud going. I'm keeping your post up, as you see. Also, check your e-mail, pronto.

  • At 12:56 PM, Blogger NDwalters said…

    Kevin, be happy that you're not like mooney. That GHOUL is loving every minute of this tragedy. His feeling is the more the death toll climbs, the more he can blame Bush. God forbid anyone hold Mayor Nagin, Governor Blanco, or the other middle management types. Or let's not forget the levees were built to withstand a Cat 3 storm. They figured if there's worse than a Category 3 storm, anyone with half a brain would have left. Sadly many did not, and kept many more innocents with them.

  • At 11:09 AM, Blogger NDwalters said…

    Keep posting, and I'll keep deleting you looneytunes. Enjoy the e-mail, biyotch.

  • At 11:32 AM, Blogger NDwalters said…

    Moonshine, do you enjoy yourself thinking about all the dead, you're enjoying? Stop posting here, buttwhipe!


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