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Friday, June 03, 2005


What a pick..... Harry Reid will not apologize for calling President Bush a loser, and now says, HE'S A LIAR. What a prick!

Reid: Bush still a liar
In an upcoming interview with Rolling Stone, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) re-asserts his reputation as an outspoken critic of the his political rivals.
In the interview, Reid claims that, "The nuclear option is history," whether Democrats filibuster or not. He goes on to explain that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist was unable to take part in the compromise because he is, "Driven by ... right wing zealots".

On Frist, Reid elaborates: "I like him, but he hasn't been in government very long. ... Being a senator is about the art of compromise. That's what the filibuster is all about—it forces compromise. And if anyone feels that compromising is unethical, or immoral, then they should get in some other business—because that's what we do."
eid attributes his style (which Rolling Stone refers to as "gunslinger,") in part to his days on the Nevada Gaming Commission. "It allows you to put things in perspective when there aren't bombs in your car, when your kids aren't being taken to school with armed guards, when you don't have to carry a gun every place you go. Those were some very frightening times in my life. In the Senate, I'm not worried about physical pain—just legislative pain."

Reid also sings the praises of some on the other side of the aisle: "The Republicans who signed that [filibuster] agreement, we should put up a statue to them someplace."
Most likely to cause a stir, however, is an exchange that concludes the interview:

RS: You've called Bush a loser.
HR: And a liar.
RS: You apologized for the loser comment.
HR: But never for the liar, have I?



  • At 3:15 PM, Blogger NDwalters said…

    Harry Reid reminds me of the kiss up boss in Short Circuit who has not the guts or conviction to do a danged thing. Reid would earn minimal respect for dragging out the fillibuster, even if he was a prick about it. This time, he's a spineless back-biting tree sloth. Tom Daschle- hated his back stabbing guts, but at least Tom stuck to his guns. And doing so gave John Thune an EASY VICTORY.


    Yesssssssssss (Gloat Fest music plays loud)


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