Not So Young But Angry Conservatives Unite

Getting sick of the progressively worse slant and obvious bias of the media? Got booted out of other sites for offending too many liberals? Make this your home. If you SPAM here, you're gone. Trolling? Gone. Insult other posters I agree with. Gone. Get the pic. Private sanctum, private rules. No Fairness Doctrine and PC wussiness tolerated here..... ECCLESIASTES 10:2- The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of a fool to the left.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Victory for Whom?

Yesterday 14 moderates, 7 Dems and 7 RINOs compromised on the fillibuster deal. Some say it's a victory but for whom:

OK, here's what went right.
-Nominees like Priscilla Owen and Janice Brown got the up and down vote option.
-The Fillibuster threat was stopped here.
-Other nominees may make it through.

Here's What is Wrong:
-Democrats can hold power to fillibuster, later.
-Democrats can fillibuster when they determine what are extraneous circumstances for nominees- ie they're Christians.
-GOP cow-towed and did not exercise its MAJORITY TRADITION.

Wow, give us a drink before you do us like that. Thanks a heap, McCain you moron!


  • At 9:05 AM, Blogger RightWingRocker said…

    Frist has not signed on to any agreement. If the Donks try anything later, he still has all options on the table.

    This agreement has no merit whatsoever, and will only serve as a tool to try to make these scumbags look good to their constituents.


  • At 12:05 PM, Blogger NDwalters said…

    I sure hope so......

    Pat Buchanan sure is pissed off and rightfully so.


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