Not So Young But Angry Conservatives Unite

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Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Hollywood In Delusion About Its Decline

The NY Times, a leftie propaganda sheet and apologist for the moral degradation of America, is now shooting blanks on why people are not going to the movies. This link says what they think:

However, I have a theory on Hollywood's decline.

They just suck! Their movies suck! They overcharge! No one wants to go to the theater to see something that sucks OR endure 2 and 1/2 hours of stupid little punks mouthing off during the film.

First, the movies suck. If you've seen trailers for The Interpretor, Kingdom of Heaven, House of Wax, OR even Scooby Doo, you know these are gonna suck worse than a Hoover vaccum. Interpretor- who cares about the UN, and for me I will not pay to see a SEAN PENN movie. That traitor is not getting a dime from me! Kingdom of Heaven- yawn, revisionism trying to ride the dead wave of Gladiator and Black Hawk Down. Ridley, say no sometimes, pal. House of Wax- any remake of a 1950s horror movie has got to be crap. And since it has Kim (Elisha Cuthbert) from 24 in it, it's a slasher and boobfest. Scooby Doo- TV to film, nuff said.

Second, the stars suck. Some of the so-called great actors cannot act worth a flip. For every Tom Hanks or Anthony Hopkins, you get dozens of Keanu Reeves, Adrien Brody's and Halle Berrys. They keep shoving their views and their party's views down our throats. No one wants to see a flick if they're gonna get a lecture on Iraq or to just open the borders.

Third, overcharge. When I was a kid, $2 matinee was great, now a matinee is $6, 6 frickin bucks! After popcorn and drinks, it's like $20 a person. I mean who wants to pay $8 for just a ticket and then leave after it's a toilet film? Really? I'd wait for the DVD, myself.

Fourth, the punks and make-out freaks. Every theater used to have rules to stop this crap. Mouthy little punks and stupid make-out exhibitionists used to be an exception to the rules. Now, they are the norm. And if it's an action flick or DMX film, get ready for hoopin and hollering. Hey, let's go see Hotel Rwanda and do the waive! HEY! I don't frickin think so.

Fifth, the films are formula. Even when there's no sex, it's implied. Star and starlet are after bad guy or try to save world, they make love, are connected, and end up going off at the end. Thanks a heap, 007, now the hacks are taking over!

My theory on declining box office, is that the films suck and many will wait til they're on TV.


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