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Thursday, March 03, 2005

President Bush, Underrated Now, Lauded Later.

From Ted Webb, cool columnist.

Webb's World 03/02/05By Tedd Webb
Heard Wed. mornings at 6:40 AM on Newsradio 970 WFLA-Tampa Also available on, & 441 Clear Channel station web pages across America.
He flies under the radar, rarely given any credit by his critics. He has been called and is called stupid by his detractors. He is not given any respect by the left wing in this country or abroad, but…..he has been proven right.
George W, Bush may very well go down in history as one of the best presidents, if not the very best because of his accomplishments in the Middle East.
Even his harshest opponents from that region of the world, acknowledge a change has occurred. “The Berlin Wall of the Middle East has fallen” as freedom is ringing in Iraq, it resonates in Lebanon, Egypt, Afghanistan, and soon in other corridors.
As was the case when the Soviet Union collapsed, many sympathizers in this country are saddened, and bitter. Bitter because they did not have the guts to challenge evil, if their plan were followed, dictators would still be in command, people would still be enslaved, and this world would be a much more dangerous lot to inhabit.
“Thank you Mr. Bush, thank you Mr. Bush”, you can hear the echoes throughout the Arab world.
The winds of change are blowing, and those changes started in this country on November 2nd.
That’s How I See It!


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