Not So Young But Angry Conservatives Unite

Getting sick of the progressively worse slant and obvious bias of the media? Got booted out of other sites for offending too many liberals? Make this your home. If you SPAM here, you're gone. Trolling? Gone. Insult other posters I agree with. Gone. Get the pic. Private sanctum, private rules. No Fairness Doctrine and PC wussiness tolerated here..... ECCLESIASTES 10:2- The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of a fool to the left.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Voter Difficulties, NEVER COMPLAIN AGAIN

OK, as you know waiting in line to vote is said by some as inexcusable and a travesty. In Ohio, in 2004, people waited over 5-8 hours in line, to vote. Yes, that's inside the USA. In other states, it was just as long. Machines did not always work and some locations were even closed or relocated. The election was done, but people still had an agenda. Despite Barbara Boxer's crocodile tears and well paid liberal attorneys, the election was not changed. Bush won. People will still complain about the election difficulties. The papers, the machines, the cards, and all of the other crap that is taken for granted.

Next time before you whine about voting and it's problems and not having time. Remember the following:

1. In Iraq, you got shot at if you went to go vote. In America, you got huffy in a line, with no hollow points aimed at you. Cry me a river, for waiting America, people died waiting to vote in Iraq and Afghanistan.

2. The ballots in America are no piece of cake. But imagine, the Iraqi ballot. It's no butterfly simple ballot. It's like an octopus or mutant centipede. Over 50 candidates and 100 parties. Try doing that ballot on your lunch hour.

3. You complain about 2 parties in America. Well, it's two parties and some other choices, OR one party under Saddam and if you don't like it. You could either get shot, stabbed, hanged, beheaded, dunked in acid, gassed, dismembered, blown up with a grenade around your neck, tortured, punched, watch your family be tortured and all other manners of stuff that would have made Himmler and the SS cringe. Too few choices, huh? Try one party with genocide in mind.

4. Elections don't seem fair? Tell that to the relatives who saw all of their loved ones die before freedom was initiated. Tell that some lady who got stoned for adultery but lived to flee the country and then move back to vote after the regime is gone. Life isn't fair, and neither is voting for those who died. Get over it, for God's Sake!

5. Machines don't work good enough? How about paper and no machines.

6. Voter fraud? Iraq has one on us. Dip your finger in dark permanent ink. The whole danged finger! No beard shaving. No false IDs. They will check your hands at the door! No problems, yet I gather.

7. Don't have the time? Try dodging bombs and snipers to vote, because it's your duty to your land and an affront to the terrorists. Imagine running the 300 yard dash with a guy spraying the area with a frickin Draganoff. Take time to vote. Some risk time and lives to do it.

8. Candidates don't seem worthy of any vote? Try the former regimes with Uncle Saddam as the one choice or even the Taliban where the mullahs ruled. At least when Viktor Yuschenko was poisoned he came back. Cowboy up and choose your candidate. Ask the people of Ukraine, Afghanistan, and now Iraq on how it feels to vote even if the guys aren't all perfect. And now, some women are running, unheard in those lands.

Think about that when you opt not to vote or complain because Bush or someone else you did not like won.

Voting is not just some privilege or right we have, it's a God given right that many risked their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor for, to paraphrase the Declaration of Independence.

Don't ever complain about the election, EVER AGAIN.


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