Not So Young But Angry Conservatives Unite

Getting sick of the progressively worse slant and obvious bias of the media? Got booted out of other sites for offending too many liberals? Make this your home. If you SPAM here, you're gone. Trolling? Gone. Insult other posters I agree with. Gone. Get the pic. Private sanctum, private rules. No Fairness Doctrine and PC wussiness tolerated here..... ECCLESIASTES 10:2- The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of a fool to the left.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Sour Grapes Still

Teresa Heinz Kerry again, questioned the Bush Kerry election results. Bush won by over 5 million votes! What more does The Ketchup Queen want?!?

Here, read this:

Teresa Heinz: Bush Win Suspicious
Embittered first-lady wannabe Teresa Heinz is questioning whether President Bush's re-election victory last November was legitimate, saying that many of the country's voting machines could have been "hacked."
"Two brothers own 80 percent of the machines used in the United States," Heinz told a lunch for Seattle Rep. Adam Smith on Saturday, referring to the brothers as "hard right" Republicans.
She argued that it is "very easy to hack into the mother machines," in quotes picked up by the Seattle Post Intelligencer.
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"We in the United States are not a banana republic," added the Mozambican-born billionairess.
Heinz urged Democrats to insist on "accountability and transparency" in how votes are counted, and said the integrity of future elections hangs in the balance.
"I think we should focus on '06: If '06 doesn't work out, '08 will be impossible," she told the Democratic group, adding: "I fear for '06. I don't trust it the way it is right now."


  • At 5:20 AM, Blogger NDwalters said…

    She'll claim aliens took away the Democrats, and had some deal with Halliburton. Rump, I hear this lady talk and know she sunk Kerry's campaign. Who wanted her as First Lady, honestly?


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