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Thursday, March 31, 2005

Aryan Nation and Al Qaeda want to join forces


What do Aryan Nation and Al Qaeda have in common?

1. They hate all JEws and want Israel gone.
2. They hate the US Government and all law-abiding citizens.
3. They vow to kill George W Bush, Ariel Sharon, Tony Blair and all who stand up to them.
4. They are violent extremists.
5. They are inside the US- this is scarier than the first 4 points.

If think this is a bad plot from 24, then think again.

God help us if this ever gets off the ground. You can forget profiling if the Al Qaeda and Nazis band together. Expect terrorists to be white and clean cut also....

This is not the first time Islam and Nazis ever joined forces.

1. In 1939, at the outbreak of war, Al Hamid Haj Husseini, the Grand Mufti fo Jerusalem pledged to kill all of the British and their Jews in Palestine and all of Arabia.
The Mufti was a guest of Hitler, in BErlin and even stayed in the Reich Chancellory. The Mufti later fled after the war, with Nazi officers.

2. Hitler recruited Bosnian and Albanian Muslims and Kosovars into the SS. The Skandberg and Handschar SS Divisions were unleashed on Yugoslavia and Russia. These Muslims were so bloodthirsty that the Nazi officers complained about them and had to jail their own troops. These troopers killed hundreds of thousands of Jews, Croatian Catholics, Serb Orthodox, Gypsies, and Muslims who did not share Der Fuhrer's vision. Many escaped after the war.

3. Ex-Nazis and fugitives fled to the corners of the earth after WWII. Many officers helped the Mufti train his troops to slaughter the Israelis on the eve of independence.... They failed, like they did in WWII. The surviving officers and SS troopers from Yugoslavia fled to South America and even the US.

4. SS Captain Alois Brunner, Eichmann's number two fled to Syria in the 1960s. He helped set up and organized President Afaz Assad- Bashir Assad's father, his regime and the Syrian Secret Police. Brunner even helped the Syrian Baathist troops goose step and train their guns on Israel and their allies. Brunner died in Syria, never to face justice for his part in The Holocaust. The anti-Jewish Syrians liked their Nazi friend.

5. Nazi scientists were employed by Egypt to build missiles to hit Israel before the Six Day War. The Nazi scientists and their rockets were intercepted by the Mossad and all disposed of or sent to the US.

6. No recorded terrorist ties, but that may be a matter of history yet to be declassified.

Nazis and Muslim extremists are at work against all of us, Christian, Jew, Muslim, and just plain human.





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