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Thursday, February 10, 2005

Britain's changing tolerance and demographics

Great Britain has been a vocal ally in the War on Terror, while divided on the War in Iraq. However, they are reflecting a lot of what America went through in the 1960's and 1970s. The urban areas are being depopulated of the whites and Anglos. Immigrants and non whites are moving in at record numbers.

Here is the link and article:,,2-2005062144,00.html

'Whites are quitting cities'
By NIC CECILPolitical Correspondent

TENS of thousands of white families are pouring out of UK cities as immigrants move in, a controversial new report claims.The exodus is creating an increasingly divided society, says the study for independent think-tank Migrationwatch UK.It found that 600,000 more people left London for the regions between 1993-2002 than arrived in the capital from elsewhere in Britain. Those moving out were believed to be mainly white. In the same decade, the number of immigrants arriving in London went up by 726,000.Migrationwatch said there were similar changes in Manchester and Birmingham. Chairman Sir Andrew Green said: “The development of increasingly ‘parallel societies’ in some of our major cities is extremely undesirable.“Government immigration policy is exacerbating this trend.”The report follows a study for the Greater London Authority last year which showed the proportion of whites in London fell by almost eight per cent in the 1990s.
Migrationwatch claimed the biggest population movement was from high ethnic minority areas to largely white communities.But Keith Best — head of the Immigration Advisory Service — said: “They are making dangerous assumptions.”
TONY Blair’s attack on Tory plans to deal with asylum claims outside Britain backfired yesterday after it emerged he backed a similar scheme in 2003.

America went through this, but slowly the whites and affluent minorities are moving into the cities again here. England is a mirror of our country. Albeit a bit delayed.

Race riots permeated London and other cities in the 1980s, our were in the 1960s and 1970s, predominantly, and some in the 1990s.

Immigrant populations are shooting up in the UK, much like they did and still are here.

The cities are falling into decay still, albeit some areas are being redeveloped.

We are sharing much with our British cousins. White flight, immigrants growing, and cities in transition.

We have much in common, but also many differences.

Britain and Europe are enacting sweeping immigration reforms.
Yesterday, Prime Minister Blair, with support from his own party and more support from his Tory Nemesis are supporting a regulation curbing the number of non-English speaking immigrants. They are also placing a key focus on those with skills and contributions to the UK. The UK must be in financial exhaustion to turn away the tired and poor masses. Holland, Germany, and other lands are passing various immigrant laws aimed to curb the growing Islamic and African immigrant groups, but also prevent future terrorism, like Madrid and September 11.

Will America take a cue from Europe or will we be lagging for a change?


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